ph problems please help thanks!!!


Well-Known Member
hey there everyone, i just waterd my month old plants today and before i waterd i tested my ph of the water and it was around 6.5 but then once i took some of the drainage water that went threw the soil and came out the bottom of my pots he ph was around 4 or 3.5...could this be whats making my plants leaves curl under bad and dry up and yellow and rinkle at the leave tips..also cause slow growth and somewhat deformed leaves??if someone could please let me know that whould be awesome and also what do i do to fix this problem or can i even fix it??looking forward to hearing back thanks so much!! i really need help here!



Active Member
hey there everyone, i just waterd my month old plants today and before i waterd i tested my ph of the water and it was around 6.5 but then once i took some of the drainage water that went threw the soil and came out the bottom of my pots he ph was around 4 or 3.5...could this be whats making my plants leaves curl under bad and dry up and yellow and rinkle at the leave tips..also cause slow growth and somewhat deformed leaves??if someone could please let me know that whould be awesome and also what do i do to fix this problem or can i even fix it??looking forward to hearing back thanks so much!! i really need help here!
Have you checked the PH of the actual soil? If so what is that?

Or are you using a water based PH tester?