Ph problems

1st i find it hard to believe your pH is low. You said run off was ,5.2, and miraculously had done a slurry test at 5.2

If so

Using 9.0 water will not bring the soul pH up, just not how the real world works. You need to amend the soil to do that

Id seriously just move forward
You flushed it
So move on now

Also there is no way, in just 3 weeks, the amendment in the soil, pH buffers, would be gone

How did u do the slurry test my friend
I don’t know wats so miraculous about it yes I did a slurry test took soil 3 inches down made a 2:1 ratio and mixed for a minute then put ph pen in. I know it’s not the most accurate but I’m working with wat I got. I’m enjoying the process but also trying to get a good outcome so don’t try to shit on me with that attitude for asking a question . Thanks
I’m trying ..too many people here act all condescending when someone is genuinely trying to learn, just because u know a little more about something doesn’t excuse U for being an ass . We whole reason we have forums is so we can get answers, if ur gonna be a dick just don’t answer
@BobThe420Builder This is just my experience with soil PH correction. When I get a new crop going, the peat and bark mulch want to crash my ph after a couple of weeks. I have to feed in high at like 9, done as much as 12 to hard reset it. After that it will settle, and I only have to feed in at 7.3 or so to maintain it for the rest of the grow. ... just my experience with it.
I was always under the impression that slurry tests were inaccurate. The only benefit of it is to notice changes each slurry test from the last tests... I’ll try and dig that info up and post it.
They can be very unreliable. Best you can do is get a PH pen (a good one) to see what is actually going on in the root zone.