PH Question?


Active Member
I am using a soil mixture of:

60% Plain Potting Soil
25% Worm Castings
15% Perlite

with fox farm liquid nutes

My soil mix has a ph of 7
and I am ph'ing my water/nute mix should I lower the soil ph or will it be fine.

and if I do need to lower it how do I do that?



Well-Known Member
i would just make sure your water has a ph of 6.0 and you should have a good overall ph.

Just my 2 cents


New Member
Your PH at 7.0 is fine for a soil grow. Next time you mix up your soil mix, include a SMALL handful of Granulated Dolimite Lime per two gallons of soil into the mix. It will stablize the PH throughout the grow.

Keep in mind that the lower figures for PH ... say between 5.2 and 5.8 are intended for hydro solution applications and not for soil grows.
