PH question...


Well-Known Member
OK I'm new to DWC and all looks good so far but I'm having a Ph problem and wanted to know if it was normal. So every morning I check my Ph and it's normally around 7.4 7.6 so I Ph it down slowly to 6.1 or 5.8 now when I go back in the afternoon it's back up in the sevens so is it normal to rise like that.......????
How do your roots look? Sounds like a bacteria problem.

What is your feed at? What stage of growth/how big are your plants?
How do your roots look? Sounds like a bacteria problem.

What is your feed at? What stage of growth/how big are your plants?
roots look pretty white she's only in her second week as seedling 1/2 strength nutrient I haven't noticed any bacteria build up anywhere water temp stays at a constant 68°F don't know...
How do your roots look? Sounds like a bacteria problem.

What is your feed at? What stage of growth/how big are your plants?
roots look pretty white she's only in her second week as seedling 1/2 strength nutrient I haven't noticed any bacteria build up anywhere water temp stays at a constant 68°F don't know...
That quickly of a rise only means a couple things that I know if. Either too much feed or bacteria.

Go down to 1/4 strength if only 2 weeks in from seed.
Actually not enough food will cause the rise. The more nutes the lower the pH and more buffers to stabilize pH.
just a thought, what method are you using to test ph? Maybe bad meter if your plants look great but it is still bouncing around.