Ph run off 7.0 7.1


Well-Known Member
Unable to post pic's so so my last grow the FFOF was way to acidic runoff at 5.8 or so so I bumped it up with a little lime I already had these babys going so I put some in the top soil and mixed up gently, over 2 months now my ph is 7.0 and 7.1 run off is this going too be a problem the plants are good looking no lock out problems that I know of sorry no pics cant seem too get the down loader to work. next grow Fudge FFOF im going all coco.:leaf:

sativa indica pits

Active Member
if they look good now they are good also. the problems begin when it starts to affect the leaves/growth and slows everything. keep a close eye my friend!!


Well-Known Member
if they look good now they are good also. the problems begin when it starts to affect the leaves/growth and slows everything. keep a close eye my friend!!
Its amazing how hard I take it when my plants are concerned lol, and its not because the Kids are gone from home now lol. 1 week into flower these 2 strains are suppose too be 70+ days per seed company( I know I know but its a Colorado company I think we should be in the ball park around that time ill keep a eye on the trichs of course, thanks for the response I know there is really not much too do but hold on for now.


Well-Known Member
Your not in coco so theres no real need to chase your ph in dirt. Just ride it out and it should be fine, dont keep a close eye, dont worry about it, youve already messed it up and now all you can do is mess it up more if you want.....or forget about it.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't have any problems running at pH 7.0
IMO- I'd rather run at pH 7.0 then anything below pH 6.5

Good Luck on Your Grow.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
Like you said the plants are looking good!! If my plants are dark green, leaves at a 30-45 degree angle towards the light, and no falling leaves the off the bottom, she's got just the right balance in the soil, with a ph of 6.2-7.0

Now to the contrary, if you raised the ph to around 7.0 and then you water with 8.5 water every single watering for the next few will push the ph up, cause lock-out and micro nute deff. all over the place.... Dont think it wont!!! The flowers really suffer if they do not have the exact amount of every single macro and micro nute's in a perfect balance.

If your only growing a couple plants.... you dont really have to keep an eye on it, but when it starts causing a yellow leaf here, iron deff. on that one, phosphorus deff. over there, you will be kicking yourself in the ass because the only 2 plants you have, are messed up and now they are going to suffer when it comes to flowering.

Its actually easy as hell, take's only like 2 minutes to adjust your water ph. The most important thing I have learned in 18+ years is, ph is one of the most important factors of a good harvest. As soon as gets out of the 6.2-7.0 range you will have sad plants.:sad:

Grow in a pine grove with haha see what you get.;-)

good luck op, what your doing is working, Dont change a whole lot until you start having issues, then find a solution to fix the problem. Its easier to prevent ph problems than fix them for sure!!


Active Member
what u guys think about this?

"You can assume that the pH of the water that runs out the bottom of your plant is about halfway between the pH of the water you put in and of the pH of the root zone.

So for example, if you water your plants with water that has been pH'ed to 6.0, and the water that comes out the bottom has a pH of 6.5, you can assume the pH of your root zone must be around 7.0, because the water that came out was 6.5, which is halfway between 6.0 and 7.0."


im kind of un-sure if i gotta rely on run off PH or what they say so i try to keep them both (runoff & root zone) in range
ex: run off at 6.6, watered with 7.6 = root zone ph of 7.0~7.1
here's what you do:

Throw away synthetic nutrients. make compost teas, give them compost teas. Throw away ph meter. love weed.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
here's what you do:

Throw away synthetic nutrients. make compost teas, give them compost teas. Throw away ph meter. love weed.
sounds untill the compost tea you feeding your plants 8.0 and you added lime to your soil so each time you water with the tea it brings the ph up a little bit every time. before you know it your ph is well over 7. Then go buy a ph tester and test your run off and its 7.8 and your plants have 3 different nutes locking out at the same time. so then you think its a deficiency and fertilize again with your tea that is 8.0...... now your in a friggin mess!!

some people with good water (neutral) can get away without having the fuk with ph. But if you soil is organic, feed with organics, and your water isnt neutral, you have a chance it might get out of range.

but as always... love your weed!!


Well-Known Member
what u guys think about this?

"You can assume that the pH of the water that runs out the bottom of your plant is about halfway between the pH of the water you put in and of the pH of the root zone.
I think it is nonsense. It is also incorrect. pH of runoff water means nothing to begin with. pH buffering occurs within the soil itself, as the soil interacts over time with the soil moisture solution.

Testing pH of water that has spent maybe a minute percolating through your pot is not telling you anything, but seems to lead people on wild goose chases that make matters worse as folks try to correct a problem they never had in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Great Community we here, thanks all for the replys:leaf::leaf: seems the uploaded and basic up loader is still not working I have never had this problem before and one else?


Active Member
AimAim is on he money here....but have an understanding of where your at with you water. My water runs 7.4 ph and over 500 ppm which sucks. I ended getting a RO watering system and I believe it makes my plants happier. And if I believe it then well its a win win. Soil is the great buffer. But I do check PH here and there as I have a general idea of what I am feeding and what is does to those ratios. I think sometimes this all becomes a little over complicated and I try to keep it as simple as possible.20140113_142154_resized_1.jpg Looks like my uploader is working fine! Good luck

yeah B U B B A

Well-Known Member
whoever thats agreeing with aimaim., rwbrock., alienwidow are some real fuckn cannibus killers and real fn stupid.. yall some police as fags.. post some pics of yall plants instead of words and a grow light(rwbrock)


Well-Known Member
whoever thats agreeing with aimaim., rwbrock., alienwidow are some real fuckn cannibus killers and real fn stupid.. yall some police as fags.. post some pics of yall plants instead of words and a grow light(rwbrock)
I got pics of my indoor grows posted. Where are yours B U B B A ?

You contribute nothing to this forum. Ever. Just childish spew.


Well-Known Member
whoever thats agreeing with aimaim., rwbrock., alienwidow are some real fuckn cannibus killers and real fn stupid.. yall some police as fags.. post some pics of yall plants instead of words and a grow light(rwbrock)
Heres one, never phed. That ph up down crap kills plants with the help of growers trying to change the ph of the dirt their using. Ph will make a difference in how big your plant gets but its not as important as these retards will have you believe. Its somthing a fool tells you when he cant diagnose your plants problem. No real grower ive ever talked to has said to me,"oh your ph is off"

