Ph Run off

I get what you mean, I cannot explain. I agree that define things in odd ways. It's like a vegetarian meatball, it just make no sense.
You also feed ur coco vegetarian meatballs?
Seems to replace the need for calcium in my coco. Who needs magnesium when u have veggie balls?

I run hydro coco blent with 2% peat perlite rocks. Never need water -

This OG is hella strong this morning :eyesmoke:
Coco is NOT the exact same thing as Peat, with a higher PH.
It's classified hydro by the way it holds and transmits nutrients to the roots.
It is in fact, soilless. It is in fact similar to running hydro.

Soil bonds to nutrients and hold onto them.

Coco is more like a SPONGE when u use it right. Soil is not.

To each their own but just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't mean that it doesn't work that way.

* I just read you said ur stating ur opinions so that's cool and all. Just make sure no one takes them as facts

:eyesmoke: :peace:
Chances are you haven't tested your water before and the trace amounts of minerals innit are providing you an opportunity to cut your cal/mag from your feed. Either that or you are using Cal/Mag within your nutrients and telling people you don't use it. Runoff is good in coco as good practice.

After you wash the dishes with a sponge do you just let it sit there? Na son, you rinse it quick squeeze it and get any left over shit off it first.

*edit same thang goes for a sponge you let dry out in the sun. It repels water until you soak it again. Hence the need to keep things moist. Someone grab the fckn Proton Pack I need more coffee.
What I find funny is how some people consider coco a hydro or "soilless" mix (which it is) but then consider something like Fox Farm Ocean Forest (or literally any other "potting soil") to be actual "soil". The main ingredients in potting soil are "forest products" and peat moss. Someone please explain to me how tree bark is closer to real soil than coconut husks LOL? A product like "coco loco" is just as much real soil as Ocean Forest-that is, neither of them come close-they are just bark+ewc/guanao sprinkled in. I'm not sure what point I'm trying to make here....just that I find the distinction between potting soil and coco to be stupid-the ONLY difference is PH and maybe the potassium content of coco. "Real soil" is what you find in your backyard-hopefully. Personally, I'd only grow in soil outdoors, indoors coco works better for me, even using organics, than potting soil.

The difference is that coco is an inert media where a product like OF has nutrients in it and can sustain a plant with just plain water. Coco loco is similar to other potting mixes except it uses coco instead of peat. It's still not as complete as a potting soil like OF which has more amendments that add nutrients to the mix.
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That’s what a lot of these “informative” articles are for is to promote the purchase of shit the site sponsors want to sell you.

And we have an entire generation of growers that think they need all that shit. Selling products to grow cannabis is a big business and they've done a damn good job at convincing many growers that they need all these products that are basically diluted fertilizer that can be had for pennies instead of $20 a bottle. I have to applaud the marketing that has gone into cannabis specific products. Hook, Line, Sinker...
And we have an entire generation of growers that think they need all that shit. Selling products to grow cannabis is a big business and they've done a damn good job at convincing many growers that they need all these products that are basically diluted fertilizer that can be had for pennies instead of $20 a bottle. I have to applaud the marketing that has gone into cannabis specific products. Hook, Line, Sinker...
THe product maker pays the blogger to write them. The people who own the coco site, most likely have never made it to a harvest
Can we all at least agree on ONE thing? FF is Trash.

I've used it. Now that the price has come down significantly it's not that bad of a bad mix. But I actually prefer the organic Black Gold myself or the Happy Frog. A mix of 50/50 FFOF and Happy Frog is what several people I know have been using for years with good results. I know one guy that uses that and just Alaska fish and kills it.
And we have an entire generation of growers that think they need all that shit. Selling products to grow cannabis is a big business and they've done a damn good job at convincing many growers that they need all these products that are basically diluted fertilizer that can be had for pennies instead of $20 a bottle. I have to applaud the marketing that has gone into cannabis specific products. Hook, Line, Sinker...
Don't forget to buy your GH mixing kit so you can properly mix your 13 bottles of nutes. On sale now.
Coco is NOT the exact same thing as Peat, with a higher PH.
It's classified hydro by the way it holds and transmits nutrients to the roots.
It is in fact, soilless. It is in fact similar to running hydro.

Soil bonds to nutrients and hold onto them.

Coco is more like a SPONGE when u use it right. Soil is not.

To each their own but just because you don't understand how something works, doesn't mean that it doesn't work that way.

* I just read you said ur stating ur opinions so that's cool and all. Just make sure no one takes them as facts

:eyesmoke: :peace:
I 100% disagree with this. Again im talking opinions not facts as your calling them.
What is the difference between coco and peat ? Peat is soiless too. Both are 99.5% soiless.

Soil bonds to nutrients and holds onto them does coco and peat. The goal we shoot for is our soil to be like a "sponge" but not in the way you say. The bacteria in the medium makes this possible. In fact the nutes bond in the EXACT same way they would to soil.

By definition , yes , everything soiless is hydro. Thats true.
I've used it. Now that the price has come down significantly it's not that bad of a bad mix. But I actually prefer the organic Black Gold myself or the Happy Frog. A mix of 50/50 FFOF and Happy Frog is what several people I know have been using for years with good results. I know one guy that uses that and just Alaska fish and kills it.
FF is fairly inconsistent but i use it and its great. nothing i cant make at home for cheap but its great for a premix. It is inconsistent but i have no real problems with it.
That said , worst bag i ever seen was a bag of happy frog.....shit grew yellow was slimey. Didnt trust that batch but im sure it was fine. The few solo cups that got it were no different then the others.

edit: FF soil keeps going up here. were up to 25 a bag for the 1.5cuft i believe.
I 100% disagree with this. Again im talking opinions not facts as your calling them.
What is the difference between coco and peat ? Peat is soiless too. Both are 99.5% soiless.

Soil bonds to nutrients and holds onto them does coco and peat. The goal we shoot for is our soil to be like a "sponge" but not in the way you say. The bacteria in the medium makes this possible. In fact the nutes bond in the EXACT same way they would to soil.

By definition , yes , everything soiless is hydro. Thats true.

Coco is made from Coconut Husks. Peat is Scraped from the rock and is considered un-sustainable because it disrupts it's natural environment by harvesting it. Coco will remain the same PH. Peat breaks down acidifying the soil. The yare both soilless correct. They are not the same thing with different PH. How's that for some faktz.
Ok so we can't agree on one thing being FF is trash. People do the 50/50 mix because they are afraid of going full coco. They cannot handle the responsibility so they add the training wheels. Let's be honest.
Coco is made from Coconut Husks. Peat is Scraped from the rock and is considered un-sustainable because it disrupts it's natural environment by harvesting it. Coco will remain the same PH. Peat breaks down acidifying the soil. The yare both soilless correct. They are not the same thing with different PH. How's that for some faktz.
i cant argue facts sir :bigjoint:

I meant the same as in they both hold nutes and water, like soil does. of course its not identical.
Ok so we can't agree on one thing being FF is trash. People do the 50/50 mix because they are afraid of going full coco. They cannot handle the responsibility so they add the training wheels. Let's be honest.
Hes said 50 50 FF and FF not coco. No training wheels needed. You want a foodless medium and others do not. no big deal.
pH runoff is useful for soil when u have a deficiency but only then.

Don’t measure unless you have issues as it will normal cause issues monitoring it for no reason.

I saved a plant this summer by testing run off pH and took 3waterings for the ph to stabilise.
I've used it. Now that the price has come down significantly it's not that bad of a bad mix. But I actually prefer the organic Black Gold myself or the Happy Frog. A mix of 50/50 FFOF and Happy Frog is what several people I know have been using for years with good results. I know one guy that uses that and just Alaska fish and kills it.
Second the Black Gold. Their products are everywhere including grocery stores and priced accordingly.
Don't forget to buy your GH mixing kit so you can properly mix your 13 bottles of nutes. On sale now.
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I have images of a new grower with their nutrient "Line" in a back room with their eye dropper mixing up their magical elixir that's going to give them the biggest buds ever. I just laugh thinking about anyone following some ridiculous feed chart mixing this and that 2 ml of this 3 ml of that for week 1 and for week 2 the formula changes. But then at week 3 they're instructed to flush everything out with a bottled product of sugar water and then start all over again.
I have images of a new grower with their nutrient "Line" in a back room with their eye dropper mixing up their magical elixir that's going to give them the biggest buds ever. I just laugh thinking about anyone following some ridiculous feed chart mixing this and that 2 ml of this 3 ml of that for week 1 and for week 2 the formula changes. But then at week 3 they're instructed to flush everything out with a bottled product of sugar water and then start all over again.

" Well it says right there. You can see it on the brochure. Every day a vacation, every paycheck a fortune!"