I have have two planters filled with FFOF. I use a blue lab ph pen and have calibrated it with 7.0 and 4.0 solution before every test.
Like the title says I have checked the ph of everything.I did two slurry tests for each planter two times. So I have done 8 slurry tests.
First test: mix 1:1 soil and distilled water. I checked to make sure the ph of the water was 7.0 every single time. Mix thoroughly and waited 1hr. Then checked ph of the mixture. I got 6.2 and 6.3 respectively for each planter.
Second test: mix 1:5 soil and distilled water. Verified ph of water to be 7.0. I got 6.4 and 6.5 respectively.
My tap water is 7.2, when I mix it with 1/3 nutes, I get 6.9.
However when I test runoff it is consistently in the 5.9-6.1 range.
Have I overlooked something or made a mistake? I don't understand how that is possible but afterall I don't have an advanced knowledge of how ph works, just the basics. So maybe everything is okay.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Like the title says I have checked the ph of everything.I did two slurry tests for each planter two times. So I have done 8 slurry tests.
First test: mix 1:1 soil and distilled water. I checked to make sure the ph of the water was 7.0 every single time. Mix thoroughly and waited 1hr. Then checked ph of the mixture. I got 6.2 and 6.3 respectively for each planter.
Second test: mix 1:5 soil and distilled water. Verified ph of water to be 7.0. I got 6.4 and 6.5 respectively.
My tap water is 7.2, when I mix it with 1/3 nutes, I get 6.9.
However when I test runoff it is consistently in the 5.9-6.1 range.
Have I overlooked something or made a mistake? I don't understand how that is possible but afterall I don't have an advanced knowledge of how ph works, just the basics. So maybe everything is okay.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.