pH tester question, and pH question

So i went to my local nursery and the only thing they had for measuring ph was a a meter for testing the ph of the soil. I brought it home followed the directions and the miracle grow/topsoil potting mix i have read a 6.8 on the meter....

1. Is this an acceptable pH or should i add/sub some chemicals?

2. Can i use the soil tester to also measure the pH of my tap water and the pH of my Tigerbloom/Bigbloom/Water solution?

first time grower sooooo check the signature link for my journal if you want to see the pics

+ rep to people who provide helpful info and links
that seems like a perfect pH for your soil . if your meter doesn't read water pH you may have to just keep checking the soil , if it does change then you may need to invest in another method of reading the pH of your water/nute mix ( and it's easy er to change you pH in a large amont of water as aposed to smaller amounts ) ... i use a color drop tester which works well for me , if you get one make sure you put some white paper between the test tube and your light sorce for a correct reading ! hope this helps and good luck !
btw if you have to change your pH you can use pH up/down solution or if your like me i just use white viniger to bring it down or baking soda to bring it up ( start by just using a few drops , it can make quite a dramatic difference !!! ) also i find that my nute solutions brings my ph down so make sure you check it AFTER adding your nutes !!

Caution i havent used MG but i hear it has a very strong nute base i would be very carefull ading to it with nutes to soon ...

hope this helps .

damn i need to find one of those testers lol i dont want to have to wait to order it, i wonder what kind of american stores carry ph testers for water