pH was at!


Active Member
Just started my first legal grow :hump: and currently i have 8 clones which have been planed and are growing away however due to shitty soil and lack of a tester my pH made it up over 8 and the plants are now yellowing with burnt tips. I adjusted with pH down and flushed the plants with lower pH water and transplanted them from the shitty stuff into fox farm ocean forest and 3 gallon pots with 1.5" hydroton in the bottom.

What else can/should i do in order to rectify the situation and assuming i get the ph down to around 6, how long will it be to recover? pH is down to 6.9 currently....still much higher than i would like. Temp is 78-81F under cfls

Took a pic with my phone- sorry for the quality...


Active Member
you're lucky you caught it so early my ph went to 8 for an entire week and killed the plants, luckily yours don't look so bad, hopefully they'll bounce back. good luck!


Active Member
should i continue to water with acidic water until im down to 6-6.4 or let them dry out and then re-water? I am afraid of shocking them but the pH is still above what i want it.