Ph water when flushing?


Well-Known Member
I would think it also matters, because that water will also remain in the pot, until dried out. Unless you plan on flushing again with the new nute'd water (seems kinda a waste)
ohh, im not following you my friend. why wouldnt the water be absorbed by the roots? when there is ample light on a plant it transpires. this transpiration causes a negative pressure on the plant and causes the roots to suck. the only case which I KNOW that this doesnt apply to is when you have a toxic salt buildup and the salt actually pulls water out of the roots because osmosis.

why would the water remain in the pot and not be absorbed by the plant? and why would you flush with nuted water? this is the final 2 week flush, so they get no nutes.

anybody is welcome to correct me if im wrong, i take constructive criticisms pretty well online. in person is another situation, we might have to bust out the boxing gloves.:mad::finger: lol jk, im a kind soul.:peace:


Well-Known Member
it think itll be okay for the last few weeks,the flush gets rid of the left over nutes in the soil,and whats already in the plant dont need to be absorbed by the roots so i say go for it,,,,make sure the waters not too cold tho...peace


Well-Known Member
Thats what I meant. That the flushing water would remain in the pot/soil for the plant as its next watering.

I was gonna mention a pre harvest flush, but actually deleted it.
In that case does it matter? Your not feeding it any more so if it has the ph lock up does it matter? Good Q.

(I'd do it anyways, its no big deal, 2 minutes and I'm done and 2 cents of adjuster)

ohh, im not following you my friend. why wouldnt the water be absorbed by the roots? when there is ample light on a plant it transpires. this transpiration causes a negative pressure on the plant and causes the roots to suck. the only case which I KNOW that this doesnt apply to is when you have a toxic salt buildup and the salt actually pulls water out of the roots because osmosis.

why would the water remain in the pot and not be absorbed by the plant? and why would you flush with nuted water? this is the final 2 week flush, so they get no nutes.

anybody is welcome to correct me if im wrong, i take constructive criticisms pretty well online. in person is another situation, we might have to bust out the boxing gloves.:mad::finger: lol jk, im a kind soul.:peace:


Well-Known Member
In that case does it matter? Your not feeding it any more so if it has the ph lock up does it matter? Good Q.

(I'd do it anyways, its no big deal, 2 minutes and I'm done and 2 cents of adjuster)
thanks for the complement mr. bigballs..... ive got the biggest balls of them all-acdc. good shyt. anyways ya you might have to wait around for a while to get a positive answer... we can talk about bitches blunts and 40's in the mean time, though, and keep bumping it around... :bigjoint:

ya bitches, yea blunts, ya 40's.... this is a hit allready.. i think i should write a rap... what do you guys things? lol

im sure everyone has a good opinion on this matter but i dont know if anyone knows whats "textbook". someone should do a test with this and flush a couple plants with extreme ph levels, many give a plant 3.0 another plant 9.0 and have a contol. i would but im a lazy stoner.:sleep:... lol

:!: i should have wrote down in the beginning that i ment the final two week flush! ohh well.


Well-Known Member
it think itll be okay for the last few weeks,the flush gets rid of the left over nutes in the soil,and whats already in the plant dont need to be absorbed by the roots so i say go for it,,,,make sure the waters not too cold tho...peace
hey mrskitz! ya thats what i think too. you just said it better than me! thanks for dropping in bro.


Active Member
I flushed mine with my tap water which is 8.0 and it was sweet for my outdoor plant, I only flushed it once a day for 3 days though in the last 2 weeks as the weather turned humid and soil staying wet for a week still, which used to be only 2 days, so that PH water is still sitting in the soil.

It got some bud rot/mould recently but that was due to being in high humidity with no air circulating, I doubt the PH level of the water affected that.

That last Q from Roullette, seems a bit weird, Hydro is even more dependant on PH levels isnt it? 6.5 is ideal for soil grows and I believe Hydro should always be a bit lower than that?


Well-Known Member
It Still Should Be Ph Adjusted In Hydro So The Plants Can Absorb It Better To Get A Better Flush. Plants Will Absorb Nutrients Better At A Ph Of 5.6-5.8 In Hydro So If You Keep The Plain Water That Your Flushing With At The Same Ph Its Gonna Help The Plants Get Rid Of The Nutrients That Are Stored In It.


Well-Known Member
Although I'm a nub, I still can answer this question. Yes your water should be PHed and you need to monitor your plants PH level during all phases of the plants life. EC (optional but if using) also should be monitored through whole life cycle. You're plant DOES need nutrition when its first starting and still does take in these nutrients. Just because your are not (and should not) supplementing, doesn't mean it doesn't NEED it.

I won't try to answer the range level question.


Well-Known Member
Here are the hard facts. Pure water has NO nutrients in it and a pH of 7.0. Since you're using tap water, there are some elements in it that at certain pH's are more readily absorbed than others depending on what's in your water and what it's actual pH is. In order to truly get rid of the added nutrients in your soil, tap water will never be able to accomplish that goal fully. Only RO or distilled water can 100% pull that off. Not sure how much water you need, but if it's a small grow like a couple of plants, just go get some pure water and have at it. Otherwise pH adjust your tap water.