

I cannot take this shit seriously

I like my i got a wee Ph and TDS meter
I am not keeping a diary might do so next grow,
Miracle-Gro and the powdered Blueberry fertiliser do lower the PH of my water

I water / feed untill the pot starts draining through and i remove the excess water ... Fuck at this stage they drink A LOT about a litre per plant every 2 days

I do PH and PPM the wash off (not to worried about the PPM but PH comes in at 5.2 /5.4
So far it does not seem to have harmed the plants but it seems a bit low

Should I bring the PH of my water before feeding up .. I believe even baking soda can be used for that?
Soil is good at ph alterations but p up and p down are very cheap I always measure my water/nutes before I use you might find that easier I generally go for between 6.3 and 6.5 I use black strap molasses so I use p down a lot more as that really sends your ph high around 8 before I add p down
It was meant the OP mate lol.

If yours is organic for pH up or down if the soil doesn't correct it I would try natural alternatives.