you just said this.
you don't know what's in my head. no one does. stop trying to have a bone of humility.
it's not jewish people in general. but there are those who give their people a bad name.
all i did was to talk about a taboo subject..why does that bother you?
is it because CATEGORICALLY, jews are white?
why does you hate minorities black, brown..women so?
where's @Jimdamick?
That's what they call themselves, Jews, because that is what the fuck they are. Their nation, (Jewish) which they (Jews) call a home land for the Jews, (no others, like Christians, Muslims. Arabs, Buddhists) so by calling an Israeli a Jew is racist? Come on TBone, really, what kind of argument is that?
Jews are not a race, look it upIsrael is a NATION, and Jews are a RACE. Sky directed her derogatory comments toward JEWS. And that's racist.
Jews are not a race, look it up
Why else would they ride that bus unless it was to show their racist solidarity with all the other riders of the bus.
Muslim is a race right?
All muslims want to kill me and my children
All muslims are terrorists and they have been hiding out in terrorist cells in every city and town in the USA.
muslim terrorists are very difficult to kill and we need to stick with our war for as long as it takes to eradicate all muslim terrorists, I figure it won't last any longer than 50 or 60 more years. Give or take a hundred.
Muslim terrorists have been increasing their terror attack activity to levels never seen before.
Afghanistan and Iraq are countries that train terrorists to fly planes into buildings and show muslims how to decapitate people with a scimitar. In order to put a dent in the terrorists plans, we have to occasionally wage war on these nations, approx 9 or 10 years out of every 10 years.
I hear it on the news all the time, it must be true.
The news tells me every day how bad muslims are and how they want to kill my children with their muzzy bombs.
muslims are so bad and evil that they make their own children wear the latest in exploding fashion and then send them into kindergartens and public schools or kids soccer games in order to make small bodies fly into pieces.
government has been telling me that these things happen and I need to be vigilant and always on the lookout. If you see something, say something!
That doesn't answer the question though.
I am not saying that they deserve it, my point is that it is going to happen, and the world in general is going to say to Israel what did you expect by re-electing a extreme right, bordering on fanatical representative for your country, and race. As far as the Bush shit goes, how many Americans were blown up as a result of his policies? Thousands? Yup, and the death toll in the Middle East is only going to increase as a result of the past policies of Bush, and the present ones enacted by Obama, and America by association.
Our backing of Israel, especially now after this re-election of that motherfucker Netanyahu, will only make Arabs hate us more, and the rest of the world shake their heads, and say why do the Americans, who sure as shit talk the talk about human rights, NEVER seem to live up to their words, even in their own country, and they are right. Ask a black man, whose great grandparents were slaves, whose grandparents couldn't vote, whose parents couldn't drink from the same water fountain if they lived in the South in the 60's, and the continued harassment and racial profiling of the black person in America. The USA is so full of shit as far as the equal treatment of it's own citizens (equal pay for women?) that actually we are joke, and everyone around the world seems to know it, except us.
That doesn't answer the question though.
Israel is a NATION, and Jews are a RACE. Sky directed her derogatory comments toward JEWS. And that's racist.
Whats all that got to do with some tired & cold person who's been waiting on a bus 20 minutes allready , is he supposed to wait all night till a better bus comes ?
What if every bus on his route has the advertisement ?
If i was gonna be late for work i'd ride a bus showing Hitler banging Uncle Sam in the ass while Idi Amin was giving him a reach around , i dont understand how your thinking the bus riders are showing racist beliefs .