When I was younger I was claustrophobic, but I don't think I am anymore. One you realize a fear is irrational, it's easy to overcome. For me at least.
Dale that’s not a phobia , what your describing is just being a good citizen that understands today's worldI have a phobia...It's called donttrustafuckingcopitis. Or snitchitis. Fear of bitchassness.
when i was a kid, we had band practice up on the otherwise empty third floor of our school.. i thought i'd be clever and hide in the locker and jump out when a friend walked past.. we were the only two kids up there, along with the teacher
as soon as i got in, i closed the door a bit too much and ended up locking myself in.. i FREAKED OUT, to say the least.. the teacher came out and let me out.. ever since i've been a bit scared of closed in places...
That reminds of of the time I was in a school bathroom and someone came and shut the lights out. No windows, pitch black. Freaked me the fuck out. If I had been locked in as well I woulda freaked.
when i was a kid, we had band practice up on the otherwise empty third floor of our school.. i thought i'd be clever and hide in the locker and jump out when a friend walked past.. we were the only two kids up there, along with the teacher
as soon as i got in, i closed the door a bit too much and ended up locking myself in.. i FREAKED OUT, to say the least.. the teacher came out and let me out.. ever since i've been a bit scared of closed in places...