Phosphorus Deficiency? . . or something else . . please help


Well-Known Member
I have got 1 plant (cross between Blueberry & white widdow) that I am growing in DWC. It is at 2 plus weeks of vegetative stage. Using House & Garden nutrients. I just noticed the leaves are getting kinda brittle and have these dark blotches on them. Also, if you will note the pic of roots and they have just started coming out a green color. The pic on the right is the best showing the dry leave w dark splotches. Its the best my cell phone camera would do. I am thinking maybe phosphorus deficiency, but could really use some advise. Thanks so much!


Active Member
Cal-mag issue hun... and are the nutes you use dark colored? If not-- you have a root rot issue because you did a HUGE no-no... NO Clear Containers-- EVER! You can't let light penetrate the container to the water- light + water + nutes= Root rot, slime mold, Fungi and algae....

get a new tote (Opaque!!) and get some peroxide from the Pharmacy.... add 1/4 cup to the whole rez AFTER you fill it and before you add your nutes and the plant back in...

Make sure the air-pump is on high, and the water is staying cool... add some extra CalMag and you should be good-2-go!! ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks my Lady. Just painted my res black. Am gonna flush my roots in ph balanced water and then adding the hydrogen peroxide. Will get back. Thanks again!!


Well-Known Member
Guys & gals, its getting worse. I painted my res bucket black, flushed the roots in ph balanced water, then added the nutes and about 30 mg's of hydrogen peroxide was last. My grow bucket is only 4.0 gallons. Could it be Phosphorus and/or magnesium deficiency? Up until a few days ago, this was a beautiful plant. Please, any help would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Sorry it took so long to get back. I have a few health issues that have me down a lot. Am sending pics of the roots. Those were taken yesterday before i painted the res, but look the same today, if not worse! Thanks again



Well-Known Member
I painted the res (or tub) black yesterday. It is looking worse today. Maybe take a few days for the changes to take affect, I'm hoping??


Well-Known Member
I have tried something called silica shield that I mixed in w the nutrients. I have also tried h2o2 & thinking of trying bleach until i saw 2 little tiny nubs of roots sticking through the pellets. I am hoping that this is a sign that things might be getting better. Other than those "nubs" the plant doesn't look any better.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to you all I got it all under control and am starting to see white roots again!! After painting my res black and "flushing those roots gently" w bleach and water, she started looking her old self!! This is my first DWC grow. I have been using Coco Not soiless medium and want to switch over to DWC. Photo taken yesterday included. thanks again!

