Phosphorus issues


Well-Known Member
Its bad news to let a plant get really dry. All your doing is concentrating the dissolved solids, and when go to feed and water them again it releases the concentrated salts,. Stop letting them go dry. Giving them more food when they are dry is only adding to the problem.

I use Promix BX, and have used a Cheap Lowes/Wal Mart Light-PH-Moisture Meter for 40 years. I stick it several locations on top, and also 4 locations towards the Bottom/sides of the container to see how deep it is moist.

I NEVER let the Needle get to the LOW MOIST Line. Always just above a Hair Above in the Moist Zone.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Sounds like your soil mixture is the culprit. Could be not enough perlite, you said you didnt add any? Im growin in soil and i had to add a shiiiittt ton of perlite. They say 30/70 perlite/soil ratio but i do closer to 50/50 . I would lay off feeding nutrients for a couple weeks and see how plain PH adjusted 6.2 water does. I adjust my tap water. give the plants like warmish/cool temp water. Some even say after you adjust the PH of your tap water for feeding, give it a day uncapped to evaporate the chlorine(myth?) and retest waters PH before feeding. I've heard sometimes adding nutrients can raise the PH of the water, even after adjusting.
Plants use chlorine for photosynthesis it's an element, bro science me thinks!


Well-Known Member
Plants use chlorine for photosynthesis it's an element, bro science me thinks!
My soil does have perlite, just no added perlite on my end. Plant has been continuing to eat itself . Home sooner or later she stops, but we will keep pushing and feeding her water


Well-Known Member
Oh goodness

I'll just say this

You do realize any bad leaf won't heal, and it will take more than 3 days to recover or show benefits from most any changes you make

Good luck. Relax and be patient
This is her a week after the issues, she is still progressing. Sugar leaves are starting to be affected. I just gave her a slight flush today when I have her water. Probably ran 4 gallons through her.

