Photo Challenge-Just For Fun


Amazing. I love the pictures. I would love to go to where you took these. Crazy that happened. Did the russian army do that or did that happen after they left?


Well-Known Member
Amazing. I love the pictures. I would love to go to where you took these. Crazy that happened. Did the russian army do that or did that happen after they left?
some part of all this do Russian army and biggest part after they left,in my pics you see just small part of all that in my town but there is many cities like where i live.


Damn man, again I really liked your pictures. I don't see anything like that here in the US, or at lest not in the places I have lived or been to. Makes me want to travel more.


Well-Known Member
Was kicking it by my driveway after taking my morning toke and thought this looked cool so I snapped a few pics

As I was enjoying this serenity I heard a woman sobbing, she walked up and sat on the bustop bench and continued to cry, I thought maybe I should see if she's alright? But what if she's crazy? I decided that I should take the chance by being a nice guy and see if there is anything I could do to help. Then her cell phone rang and as she answered it I took this pic realising that she was now the problem of the person calling her. Phew! That was close!

I must say that I am starting to fall in love with my wife's camera. That school bus was doing at least 35 when I snapped that shot.

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
I think you live by me Joemomma, looks like the sunrise I watched this morning. Don't worry I won't call the location out.



Well-Known Member
I think FDD won... the just for fun photochallange... I thought he won long ago with the plants... but... now I know he won... look at that