Yes, my thoughts are exactly as has already been mentioned, that while it
may increase yield some, but not potency, it's not worth the time. In the extra time that it takes for that crop to ripen, I can have another crop almost halfway through flowering.
Potroast, yeah, I totally get it... especially the part about another crop being halfway done...
If doing anything other than just one batch, it will plug your whole op...
And that you burn more electricity...
And the yield won't nearly make up for the difference...
But I am still curious... and soon I will be 100% steam powered... so electricity is a benefit of the fact that my wood stove does not go out for 9 months of the year... and the other 3 months average 19 hours of sunlight everyday....
Plus, born just showed up with a bunch of stuff I've yet to decipher...
Hey man... one of the main reasons I would like to research this further is due to the fact that I live in the Arctic, and we get a lot of changes in light cycles.... very unnatural to someone in a lower latitude... yet we adapt and thrive... and also I'm a dumb ass with nothing better to do... for now, I'll be walking good again in a few months...
No, any longer than 14/10 and the plant may not flower too well, but nothing near 10/14 will cause it to re-enter veg.. And the flowering hormone is triggered by dark period length, not light period..
Basically you're torturing your plant, breaking down its mental faculties its more impressionable to brain washing.. (Torture 101 obviously).. Then you let it rebuild physically for a week under relatively stress free conditions.. Then you tell it that if it wants its kids to survive its really gotta start producing FAST! Then finally, after a week of this, when the thing is in the routine of just breaking its back for 10hrs/day to reproduce, you trick it into working that hard for an extra two hours..
If plants ever unionize, we're screwed..
Ok Born... here we go... I was ready to walk away... but you had to confuse the shit out of me even more... so you better stick around now... 'cause there's a few questions coming your way....LOL...
First of all, who are you answering "no" to??????? and what was the question??? (prob. mine....
So ok, we established that it needs at least 12 hours of dark for flowering hormone production... I can buy that...
And you also pose that anything with more than 12 hours of dark will not cause the plant to reverse to vegging... on a 24 hour day, I agree...
...but what if we gave her 20 hours of light, followed by 12 hours of dark...?
Would that cause to re-vegg??? as I read what you wrote, the answer is no... because as long as it is getting 12 hours of dark, there will be hormones being produced, which will keep it flowering...
From there bro... I lost you... I do understand all of the words that you wrote, but there is a lot lost in your meaning... sorry...
So you start the plant on 12/12... then switch to 10 light and 14 dark 10/14... so the plant freaks out ... Oh my god I'm gonna die... so it's working faster to mature the bud...?(if it were pollinated, the hurry would be for seeds?)
and when it is established in that schedule, you give it 12/12... and supposedly it will keep working just as hard as when it was under 10/14... but now for 2 extra hours...
I'm sorry man... along with the 39 screws in my leg, there is also a whole pharmacy of shit that makes me a little slow sometimes... and I'm stoned.... and I'm dumb too, let's be realll.. lol....
But that is basically what you described, eh?!
Do you do this yourself?
I understand the mechanics of this... and I see how it might work...
But this is still not what I am thinking...
So here is another question... If a plant is kept indoors it's whole life, does it know that there are 24 hours in a day?
Like encoded information in it's DNA that tells it "You are on Planet Earth"?
I can see it having info like... "you need "X" amount of dark to flower"... but I am not sure what all is there or not...
Every one makes reference to the 24 hour day, because that is what we know... and that is normal... but I am not normal... never been... and hopefully never will....
I guess my head is always out in space... and my imagination is always questioning reality...
What if ... I know I know...
What if we get away from that 24 hour cycle that enslaves us...
What if there were 27 hours in a day???? or 37 for that matter...
Indoors, we control the environment... we can modify how many hours in a day...
We've established that we need 12 hours of dark...
but what is the ratio of light and dark that will keep it flowering, while receiving unnatural amounts of light....?
If a plant is on a 24/0 schedule and we switch it to 20/12, will it flower?? slower? faster? is there a difference?
Someone mentioned it is possible to have too long a light period without extra CO2, but then, let's introduce the CO2 it needs in order to process that much more food... what now... is the photo period still too long??? for what reason???
I know, I am way too stupid o answer these questions... but I am going to research, but in theory and practical experiments.... there might be a place for this technique in my food garden as well...
So... before I get kicked out for making such a long post about something with so little importance to everybody... lol... I'll get out of here and circulate a bit....