Well-Known Member
Everybody's is allowed to make mistakes once in a while ...

So,after having a small chat ,with a friend ,who BTW has a PhD in Molecular Plant Biology..
And after I've presented to him ,the whole CS-RQE thing ....
He responded that while ,the thought is more than nice ,
actually is not an Relative Quantum Efficiency function.
It is just mj's photosynthetic apsorptance function ,quanta weighted ...
He did some explaining to detail about the action spectrums and the known standards ...
There's only one 'standard' accepted by the scientific community as "Quantum Efficiency " function.
And that is the McCree 1972,a one ...
So he showed me ,how to make a Cannabis Sativa L. dedicated Rel . Quantum Efficiency function plot ....
Anyway,not much time right now,to explain in detail ,how exactly is done .....
But here's the plot ...

( !! It can be used only with quanta flux - i.e. μmol/sec - units/ spectrum plots/ functions !! )

Everybody's is allowed to make mistakes once in a while ...

So,after having a small chat ,with a friend ,who BTW has a PhD in Molecular Plant Biology..

And after I've presented to him ,the whole CS-RQE thing ....
He responded that while ,the thought is more than nice ,
actually is not an Relative Quantum Efficiency function.
It is just mj's photosynthetic apsorptance function ,quanta weighted ...
He did some explaining to detail about the action spectrums and the known standards ...
There's only one 'standard' accepted by the scientific community as "Quantum Efficiency " function.
And that is the McCree 1972,a one ...
So he showed me ,how to make a Cannabis Sativa L. dedicated Rel . Quantum Efficiency function plot ....
Anyway,not much time right now,to explain in detail ,how exactly is done .....
But here's the plot ...

( !! It can be used only with quanta flux - i.e. μmol/sec - units/ spectrum plots/ functions !! )