Yeah I was bored this morning and you are growing some delicious strains, so why not...?
That purple kush looks so delicious. I'm also interested in how that WW turns out since I am awaiting mine to break ground. A lot of good information in this thread, so it was a productive use of time, IMO.
I did have a question though and maybe I missed the answer somewhere but...when you cut all the fan leaves off that one flowering plant (PK?) did you notice a significant difference in yield/bud size/potency compared to the ones you left alone?
thanks man, thats awesome.
but i have some bad news. my white widow hermed out.
it may have been its origins as a seed, it may have been a leak from my intake who knows? i couldn't take pics, i was too pissed off when i found them that i pinched each male flower off right then...
so i'm moving the budding plant outdoors somewhere and the rest of the strain is gone/ removed/ aka in my trash. i'm a little let down as white widow is awesome, but i'm fine with the two sweet strains i have and i'll get to check in on the ww.
as to the experiment with the small pks and fan leaves, those plants aren't quite done yet (still in the soil)... with PK it can run for days with purely cloudy trichs, so I'm just gonna give them under the light for another day or two.
what i did notice was the leaf-less plant got much more light on the bottom bud sites, and is looking very happy. So we will be seeing those results in about a week.
but the kush that is now going in to cure is the best i've had yet!