Phresh Filter 4x8 | Carbon Coming Out of Exhaust


Hey guys, I just recently purchased a Phresh filter and when I hooked it up to my fan I noticed that there was carbon coming out of the exhaust. When I took the filter off and put it over my hand there was carbon/charcoal on my hand. Is this normal? I just payed a hundred bucks for this thing so I'm really wanting to know if it's working like it should. Any feedback is welcomed!

Be well.
Definitely not typical from the filters I have owned. The carbon is supposed to stay inside to scrub the air! :)

Hope you can return it or find a solution. Take it easy and best of luck.


Well-Known Member
Very common.Best thing to do is hook your fan and filter up together and let it run for a bit,tapping the filter some here an there.Then hook every thing up the way you would anywhoo.

You got it from e-bay?
Hey Dankster is it a brand thing or just common of carbon filters in general? Because the ActiveAir filters I have used have never had carbon come out through the fan; they seem to be too well made for that to happen?. Hell, my whole wall would be black! lol. Just curious..Guess everything really is or can be that much different in every situation.


Well-Known Member
I have seen a few different brands have small particles(no chunks)and dust when first hooked up straight from the factory.I also had a bit of a carbon cloud with a HTG filter.

I'd be willin to bet that if ya went to the hydro shop and pulled a number of filters out of the box you'll notice the bag and pre filter aren't exactly clean of carbon dust.
Guess I have just been "lucky" not to have that as an issue. Although not much of one, I hate cleaning up messes lol. At least now I know if I run across that it is just normal. I appreciate the knowledge man, take care.


I bought it from the local Hydro shop. I think the carbon needs to settle but I'm not very pleased with how this filter is built. They put tiny pieces of carbon in it and the only thing that's holding it in there is a plastic mesh material, and the carbon can come right through it. Though not all of it, I still do not like the idea of it being able to come out.
This happens when the filter gets knocked around during shipping. It is a large piece of carbon but the handling during the shippin can cause small pieces to come off inside the filter. I have caught a mouth full of carbon before when hooking up a new filter. It would have been great for YouTube.


Well-Known Member
I am set to get a Phresh Filter 6x16 next week. Has anyone else had this problem with the Phresh Filters???

@Smokey, Did the Phresh Filter settle down or do you still have carbon coming out?


Well-Known Member
Have had this one for 3-4 months now.Ebay.......$100 shipped.Had to hook up the fan to blow through it first before installing in the room.

Works just the way it should....can't smell shit,or weed.:eyesmoke:



Active Member
Yo! Can-Filters work really well and have much smaller holes. Carbon dust is normal at first though. Run it for a few minutes and it should be good to go.