Picked Up really Good Dank mixed with crippler creeper.(story)


Active Member
It's Really good but a downside to it is that it is really dry.when I first picked up a sack from my guy He says he wanted to give a sample to me so we smoke a bowl and i said i ain't feeling.so we smoked another bowl once again I told him it was no good.he says well if your crazy enough we'll go another round.so Like A idoit I say yes.We packed it to the rim of double bowl pipe.by midway through the bowl.it felt like my brain just Left my head.Then He decides To finally tell me that the bowls we were smoking was really good dank mixed with a crippler creeper.I Couldn't move my feet.the Body buzz was just amazing.hell to be honest i couldn't even feel my legs and It seemed Like i was more drunk than stoned.I ain't gonna moist the good herb.so please No mositure Suggestions.I wanna hear about what the best weed that you ever smoked.


Well-Known Member
My buddy has this awesome as fuck white widow right now. I smoked a half a bowl of it and started watching Sealab 2021. Next thing I know my eyes are closed, im laughing hystarically at something my friend said and then I realize I am struggling to breathe! I yell out to them (my friend and gf) that I cant breathe. They start laughing. Next thing I know I am falling into and eventually through my couch! I realize Im freefalling in complete blackness. It was fucking amazing.


Well-Known Member
White widow from amsterdam 2009 or my harvest of Trance late 2008.

i dont know what crippler creeper is....


Active Member
my best was some ak-47 creeper i got it was med shit so he said nd it looked nd smelld great utill i smoked it i felt duped i only smoked one bowl nd i was going to return it for sum diffrent but on the car ride back i had to pull over i was so baked but it sounds like u had some laced shit with cokeor sum if u were numb but than again you didnt feel it 4 a while so i was prolly just some supper dank creeper