The cannabis police are standard-- in CO they are called the MED. They are actually a good thing when well trained, but they can also be pointed in a direction by someone like a politician-- not unlike a weapon. I work in industry design across multiple states, and deal with regs on a state by state basis for the application processes. I can tell you that almost all the newly expanding states are rigging the laws in exactly this fashion, with the express purpose of locking up the plum licenses so Mom and Pop are out the door, no chance, goodbye, now we own all the cannabis in your state. These fuckers were the first to shout for locking us all up with friends and family when it was illegal, but now that cannabis can make money, the state and the largest commercial players want total control over it. It's incredibly disheartening to see, as well as insanely hypocritical. We're going to have to stage a new fight for cannabis all over again, unless you want to see legalization courtesy of Monsanto and Kraft Foods.