PICS...8 days old!Suggestions PLEASE


Active Member
It looks fine, just make sure you use some form of organic fertilizer. I read on this site actually that over fertilizing, especially with non-organic can cause cancer to form in the bud. I found teracyle to be the best for my little plants, they grew so fast with it on them.

Maybe put the fan on as low as it can, when they are that small it can be bad for the stalks to have too much force on them. I use a little desk top fan still, even though they are large now and it seems to be just enough for them.

I only have one grow opt under my belt, but this is what I found through trial and error the past couple months.

Good luck! Hope they produce a lot of dank nug for you!


Well-Known Member
i think a good overall temp is 70-80 area

dont worry let them grow, they are probably growing a bit slow because the fan is blowing on it so it needs to strengthen its stem so it doesnt get blown the fuck over

so im sure thats why half the energy is going. dont worry about the speed, they will grow.. also move the lights closer and put a small fan on the lights..

that is probably the best way to cool the grow room is put small fans blowing onto the light bulbs

that fan is probably burning a lot of power also, smaller ones have the same blow just wayyy less power usage.