Pics at 3 weeks, and 6 weeks(leaves yellowing on bottom) Lots of pics.


Active Member
Okay, so there are 6 feminized venus fly trap(nirvana shop) at 3 weeks growing in 5 gallon buckets, under a 400W HPS. The soil is an organic soil from a local store.
During the 4th week I started adding a teaspon per gallon of a 2-0.5-1.5 organic nute. It's 6 weeks now. I flushed and then the next 2 waterings(3 days apart) just plain water. And the bottom leaves are all yellowing as you can tell, thought it was a nitrogen problem, starting giving them nutes again, and no results, may have gotten worse, not sure. The plants are all about 15-18 inches tall at this point, and want them healthy before I change the light cycle to 12-12. Please help!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
hmmmm i have no clue sir but im sure the experts on this site will help you out! :)


Active Member
it looks like you need to water it more i would flush those it should help then go to half streanght nutes


Active Member
wooooops did not read what you wrote till now sorry stoned you need a better nute solution at least 12-10-10 for now then when on 12/12 no nitrogen or very little


Active Member
dont flush them they look a little over watered but thats all i can say i dont get all the deffs and stuff. though nitrogen def does look right i cant be shure.


Active Member
i wouldnt get hyped up about it. yellow leaves are a problem if there are yellow leaves all over the plant. it looks like only ur bottom leaves are yellowing, which is perfectly normal for plants.


those plants look very nice other than those yellowing leaves hungry for nitrogen.
give them a full feed maybe double the dose you were using before.they will need n while stretching and first weeks of flowering too.