PICS CFL GROW! Look and advise.


Active Member
We are about around 1.5- 2 months old. They look really good and bushy. Im curious when do you recommend flowering. We have limited hight and we are already at around 2ft. I have not noticed staggered nodes yet, still across from each other rather than alternating but on both of the larger ones many colas are popping up. And how soon into flowering should I introduce blooming nutes. What are your thoughts on initially having the kids go 72 hrs of dark before 12/12? We will start flowering with 18 100 watt cfls and a few smaller ones lower to maintain light under the canopy. Any advice or knowledge will help a ton.



Well-Known Member


Active Member
The mirror os on the back of a door, I just feel like you get a good picture with it in the mirror as well, there is no glass reflectives. only matte white paper or paint


Well-Known Member
LOL dont need to know anything about growing to know what a compact flourescent light is.