pics CFL Grow. Questions for all the experts out there


Active Member
What are your views on trimming lower or old dead growth? Does it really help increase light intake and help out above the canopy?

Should I flush? How often? Why? Is salt build up always an issue? Can these things effect potency and or taste? Is it good to before flowering or just before harvest?

What type of other nutes or ferts do you guys recommend during flowering? I have foxfarm tiger and big bloom, also have happy frog fruit and flower fert. I will follow the ff schedule but should or can i use the happy frog too. Anything else that you or have heard of being used that be beneficial during flowering?

Please look at some of my other post and give me feedback and advice.


Active Member
Plants are vascular. Water flows through the plants carrying nutrients to the leaves and synthesized food to the entire plant. Arguably, cutting anything off the plant will disrupt this flow until healed. The plant is perfectly capable of sacrificing leaves it no longer needs, reclaiming the nutrients it contains, and dropping it off itself. In scrog style grows, however, it is beneficial to remove growth under the screen to make it easier to reach everything for watering, etc.

Regarding flushing and nutrients, Opinions vary dramatically on these topics, You're better off sitting down for a few hours and read some of the info already presented in other threads for that. Otherwise this could turn into a 100 page thread of all differing ideas that will just confuse you.


Well-Known Member
What are your views on trimming lower or old dead growth? Does it really help increase light intake and help out above the canopy?

The answers to your questions are my personal opinions.

I always trim lower, or old dead leaves/growth. It does help increased light intake, and focuses energy towards making buds :) The old growth is like cancer to a human being in my eyes.

Should I flush? How often? Why? Is salt build up always an issue? Can these things effect potency and or taste? Is it good to before flowering or just before harvest?

Only Time I flush is after I use the toilet. I do not flush Marijuana grown in soil. The reasons? First of all, If your giving them quality fertilizers, salt build up should not be a problem. In the past I fertilized after the second watering. Now, Iam using Fox Farms ferts and I use their feeding schedule, and fert each time with a fairly small dose. No flushing needed.

If you flush before Harvest, you also flush away IMPORTANT nutrients needed during the last week or two of bud growth. You will LOSE YIELD. I would not flush, but I would dry the buds fully, and cure for at least 2 weeks before smoking. The cure process will take out the bad taste of chemicals, and chlorophyll.

What type of other nutes or ferts do you guys recommend during flowering? I have foxfarm tiger and big bloom, also have happy frog fruit and flower fert. I will follow the ff schedule but should or can i use the happy frog too. Anything else that you or have heard of being used that be beneficial during flowering?

I would reccomend Fox Farm Nutes for veg and flower(Full Line). Its a well known brand, and lots of Pot farmers like myself love the stuff. Take care, and Git Er Done!!! :bigjoint:

Please look at some of my other post and give me feedback and advice.

P.S. You need to research a bit more on your own. Us experienced farmers have learned this stuff from reading countless hours of info from forums like this one. Thats how we gained our experience growing our quality crops. We cant answer every question for you. You need to do a little homework on your own my friend. Wishing you the best grow ever. Your newly acquired friend, Closetgrowth :)


Well-Known Member
One more thing, If you want to have some good yield, you will have to move up to a better lighting system. High Pressure Sodium is the way to go. Cheers, CG :)


Well-Known Member
ok triming lower case leaves will help the top half, but remeber those leaves are for stoage for the plant. branchest i cut, i leaves i lieve, most of your bottom really dont produce alot any way so cut them. your nutes are fine to use. i flush if plants are showing signs of a problem that cant be fixed buy lowering my ppm. flushing is a good ideal at the end to wash out nutes and get the plant to use up the rest of nutes in soil . salt problem is a bad thing, flushing is the only way to fix that. if your roots have to much salt they wont take in the nutes that your giving them, and it just builds up in soil. and plant dies.I use ff as well, iv use happy frog, and ocean forest, i like ocean forest my self but both are good.


Active Member
Thanks buddy. I have the FF nutes, I will look into getting the rest of the line up. I know that I should upgrade my lighting, but being broke is no good. I will still get a dec yield if done correctly thought right?


Active Member
I did not plan on flushing or do I have a salt issue. More so curious from hearing and reading other posts. Thanks for your input man. I will do as much Hw as I can but help is always appreciated.


Well-Known Member
ok flushing you use 3 times the amount of water that your pot can hold. just let it soak through untill the water is gone, also it wouldnt hert to get a salt leaching solution, like clearex from botanicare. it will help. i use it. then let it dry out for acouple days being that wet 3-4 days with fan on it to help it dry alittle faster. then start back on nutes 1/4 dosage and work back up from there. just remember the healthy'er your plant is the less nutes it may need to take in to live. there for you wont burn them from to much nute...or get nute lock out like you maybe now. I found that when i use less nutes on sertan strain they do better. the trick is finding out just what your plant want, to be healthy.