Pics help please reddish brown spots


image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg I've been doing lots of research and just can't quite find an answer. I'm thinking it's a pest which I hope it isn't. Please let me know what you think this might be thanks guys.


Some if them look like big brownish red spots that don't really seem to be hurting the plant too much and new growth looks good. A couple of them look like lines or kind of long as opposed to a circular spot.
My journal lays out everything I've done so far.


I checked them again seems to be getting worse. Looks like phosphorus def to me.
They are soil under 4 t5
I wasn't measuring ph until the other day when I picked up some RO water. My mix was coming to 4.0

So j treated and brought to around 6.5
I use botanicare pure blend pro grow and cal mag and use half the recommended amount so it can't be lockout. They are about 2.5 weeks old. Think I just need to step up the nutes ? I was over watering before and they just recovered .

The last watering I went until there was hardly any run off. So I think it might be safe to water again. Any thoughts ??


Active Member
All your plant really needs is time. No nutes at this early stage, your soil should contain everything. She just has a bit of growing pains but if the new growth is good then she's fine. Keep an eye on the ph and all will be good.


Active Member
Think I just need to step up the nutes ?
might be safe to water again
No. Little plants don't need much water. Too much water will hurt them. Watering stimulates the release of nutrients in the soil. I think you have enough water in the soil to supply her for a while. You water now, you will burn her or waterlog your soil, preventing air from reaching the roots. You have perlite in that soil, right? The perlite holds moisture and releases it slowly. In fact I would wait a few days and let the soil dry a bit.

How big are the pots?
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Well I already watered last night with adjusted PH at 6.5 with regular strength nutes.

15 ml PBPG
5ml Cal Mag
5ml Sweet
All botanicare

I haven't watered since , but it's getting a little worse and I'm seeing some brown tips on new growth. A few more reddish brown spots .

I'm also wondering if it's the environment. It's pretty closed off although I have 2 fans blowing around seems pretty warm and humid every time I go in there.

I'll keep watching


Active Member
It really looks like quite a decent grow there so far. No cause for alarm. The general color and stature of your plants is great. I wouldn't worry too much about the odd little spot of colour. It's not pronounced enough to be a real problem... at least not yet. And you should be fine with that pot size for another week or 2.