(Pics included) Do the seedling and the container its in look ok?


2011-07-18 15.04.45.jpg2011-07-18 15.05.18.jpg2011-07-18 15.05.11.jpg2011-07-18 15.04.56.jpg

The plant is 3 weeks old, And i know that its stretching ive fixed the light and got an oscilating fan. Thank you ahead of time :bigjoint:

I know the pics are blurry, i have a new phone with a shitty camera.


Well-Known Member
man that plant looks like its 3days old. what kind of light are you using? and if i was you id get it out of the glass container (unless it have drain holes) if not get it into a pot or something with drain holes or you will have major problems


I heated a screw driver and poked holes in it, and up untill yesterday i was using a halogen light, way to hot but its all they had i got it and my other plants under a hps light now. It will start growing again right??


Well-Known Member
halogens burn way to hot. you could use the hps or you can grab a few 6500k cfls if your strap on cash. and yes it will grow again just its pretty stunted. if you have more seeds if go ahead and pop a coupla more


alright, thanks for the help bro, ill go to home depot and get some cfls, its just i live in texas, and people around here get realll nosey.


Well-Known Member
alright, thanks for the help bro, ill go to home depot and get some cfls, its just i live in texas, and people around here get realll nosey.
i know what you mean neighbor, but in reality buying cfl bulbs does not look suspicious