PIcs Leaves have spots and are turning yellow and falling off !


Active Member
i have that same problem and im driving myself crazy on how to fix it... i was using nutes and thought i was overdoing it so i stopped using them all together for like 3 weeks and it kinda worked then it started back up again ... idk ... been reading into it and the best possible outcome i have came up with is overwatering does the same thing and gives the same results as nute burn alot of times ... check into your watering maybe to much? just a thought hope it was helpfull and if anyone else has anything please post bc im still having this problem....


You might have a fungus like Powdery mildew or Downy mildew. Spore can spread to other plants quickly. A product like seranade will work. Remove plants from grow room, clean grow room to remove left over spores. Then put treated plants back in the grow room. Use it once a week til the problem goes away. Also Pyrethrin fogger Bomb will kill any thing moving.