Pics of a first grow about 8 weeks in see what you think...


Active Member
Hi a while ago me and some friends wanted to live the dream and grow our own babies, so we set about it. Our setup is moderately armature and done on a budget of under £100 including seeds pots lights etc. iv been looking around the forum and have seen some impressive stuff and we would like to know what you guys think about our plants, there are 2 older plants that have had about 10 weeks in veg and 2 younger ones that have had about 8 weeks enjoy...


2x 250W HPS SON-T
4x White Seed Company Power Plant seeds
4x 8L Bags of Miracle Grow Soil
1x 2000W Heater
1x 8" Fan

Dimensions are about D40cm W110cm H160cm

So here they are 8/10 Week Old Power Plant

They are crude pictures as i took them off a pathetic camera, i will try get some better ones and i have some of them growing up as well.

We would love any advice or yield predictions as we don't really have a clue, we are planning on putting them into flower on Saturday i think this is the right thing to do they all have the pre flowering tell tails and are all girls whooop

P.S. Should i put them into dark for 24h before putting them on 12/12? iv read in some places it can speed up flowering by alot..



Active Member
i dont know is that very wise.. i never heard from this kind of thing and powe plant is well known plant from its fast flowering.. so i dont see anykind of reason to do that..
and that can confuse the plant and may change its gender as hermafrodites..

but when you start packin it.. im really curious how much it yields.. i have 2 powerplants growing in my room.. i use 600w light and i hope that i get over 200grams from these.. but these plants is only 140cm tall.. so can you info me from this please? :D


Active Member
and by the way these plants looks very healthy.. 1 oz, is 28 grams.. ;)
so just help me if you can plz..


Well-Known Member
I actually place mine in the dark for 72 hours in darkness prior to HPS bombardment for 12/12. It helps the plant adjust better to the switching of the lights from 18/6 to 12/12 and speeds up flowering a little bit.