Pics of first plant


Hey everyone, Im brand new on here and just wanted to get some pics up and ask a couple questions.
New growth seems to be incomplete and they seem to be yellowing a bit in places. I guess my main concern is the fact that the new leaves are growing in and not completing themselves I guess is a good way to put it.

As of right now plant is in a solo cup and about 3-4weeks from seed. (bagseed, unknown gender or strain at this point)
4'x2'x5' Tent
Soil-Pro Mix
Lights- 4 bulb T5 (6400k)
18/6 schedule
Temp-70-80 throughout the day with a 40-55% humidity
pH- 6.5-6.8

No nutes as of yet just some pure tea blend .5-.5-1.0

Today I was considering transferring my girl and some tomatoes and peppers into some soil a little more nutrient rich as the bag of pro-mix says to use a nutrient regiment when growing in it. I was considering fox farm ocean forest but just figured you guys could point me in the proper direction since its still early in the game. This is more or less a trial run before I try my feminized seeds I have from castle.



Yeah I just took a trip to my local shop and bought some fox farm ocean forest. There all getting transplants into 2.5 gallon pots tonight with the fox farm, hopefully that will help a bit. If anyone has any other ideas I'm open to try whatever.

Thanks luckybleu.


Well-Known Member
Well.... how old are they?

They look pretty good honestly. I would re-pot them to 1 gal or so very soon.


About 4 weeks since it germinated. I'm transplanting as I type, you think I should hold off on the 2.5 gallon pot and go up to a 1 gallon for a bit? Does it matter?


Well just an update...transplanted and started to feed her every other watering with fox farm grow big, about a teaspoon per gallon....and viola new growth is impressive and very healthy. Hopefully I'll get home tmrw before lights out and snap a few pictures. Thanks