Pics of my first grow


Well-Known Member
Man it always takes me a minute to figure out if my pc is broke, or you guys being asshats. I even logged on my other pc to try and see the pics


Well-Known Member
whoa johnny come lately, we're just trying to help. post your pix bro i'll be more than happy to look at them.


Well-Known Member
No it makes me laugh, I love whitty humor. I just re read my post and it came off differently than I intended. I was just laughing to myself that I actually went to check my pc :hump:
I was spraying the leves when I had nut in the spray bottle and that's what happend to it the bottem leves went all weird on me ever since I stopped feeding it that particular nut it's all back to normal


Well-Known Member
I think you are doing quite fine, as far as first grows go, this looks to be one of the better ones I've seen. I wouldn't do single dominant cola plants anymore personally, but if you like you could research topping, lst or mainlining and read up in general. Knowledge is power