pic's of my plant. need help!!!


Well-Known Member
Without any other information I'd say the bucket had tipped over and was stood back up, an hour ago.

If that isn't the case, I'd flush her heavily, because something is making her twist up.

Are the leaves drying out?


Well-Known Member
the bottom leafs look watered being they are not droopy, top set looks like hell, well the bottom is not so green either so I would say you are lacking nutrients.


Well-Known Member
The plant's posture doesn't say "Thirsty!" to me.

The sun leaves would be drooping straight down as the growing tip laid over.

Flushing requires a MINIMUM of enough water to fill your pot, at least once. You are trying to wash away something that may be poisoning your plant. It can't hurt, but might save your girl.

Once she seems to have recovered, you can feed her, but lightly, at first.

Be gentle.