Pics of my problem. Please diagnose.


Active Member
Situation: 600 watt SOG grow
2 weeks of veg, on second week of flower (still hasn't shown sex)
Fox Farm soil, no nutes, watered every 2 or 3 days

Here are the pics of my one plant that is doing poorly. Can anyone tell me what this problem is and how to fix it? I'm hoping that it just is from lack of water or something, but since only one plant is doing this I pulled it out of my garden in case the problem is pests.

Any help is appreciated :leaf:



Active Member
How do I adjust my pH? Also this is the only plant of twelve showing this problem, if that makes any difference.


Active Member
water with plain 7.0 water and test the runoff waters ph. That should give you an idea of what your soils ph is. then adjust with ph up and down. If you want to go ghetto use a little white vinegar or baking soda.