Pics of my room, bud porn.


Well-Known Member
Here's some pics I just snapped.

You can see the RDWC in the front, there's a soil grow behind it. There'll be identical RDWCs as I add on.

Here's some pics the soil grown Purple Kush that's being flushed.


Well-Known Member
that PK looks delicious... nice room as well very clean! nice to see others that believe in a clean growing environment :)


Active Member
Nice job! Hope mine come out half that sticky! Did you drop temps at night to get that nice color?


Well-Known Member
Ismokealotofpot, yes as I mentioned in the first post it is RDWC. Every bucket is linked and they are all connected to a fill-up res mixed for the next weeks nutes. My RDWC setups are bought pre-made. The pump is whatever is included on the specs for a 8gal 12 site system. I prefer the premades by far. They come with ridge reinforced lids, pre-cut, sized, etc. I may pay double for the skeleton of the system than what I could if I cheaped out with Rubber-maid/homemade but I prefer the ease and solid construction. In my market it pays for itself in the first grow so why bother skimping for more labor and a sub-par result? If you really want the specs of the pump I can run downstairs and look later.

Dozer, it's Purple Kush, that's why it's purple. I'm semi-perpetual so the conditions in the flower room constantly remain the same. The trich coverage is natural as well but I did use one of the Sunpulse 10ks on half to try and test if they actually work. I'm three days out from harvest and I cannot say that they make a difference or not while being objective because they are close and I know which side I used the finishing bulb on. I'll take the best of each side and run heads up tests after they're ready.


Active Member
I'm currently growing moby dick and love it, easiest strain I've ever grown. I've also grown grape ape and it fox tailed on me real bad, just thought idea give you the heads up


Active Member
I low stress them during veg, so stretch for me really isn't a problem for me. In flower the grape ape didn't have much, heavy indica. I'm only a few weeks into the moby rout now but they haven't stretched hardly at all, one of three that I have stretched a little more then the other two but is filling in real nice with some flowers