Pics of the new girls

oh shit blaze! you are the master of puppets! +rep:hump:
A textbook view....ohhhh yea...THAT's what I'm talking about....VERY very nice buddage! excellent work, whaddya think, how much longer you got? Really really sweet. Thanks for the update!! Walk On!~:peace::peace::peace:
Heres a few close up shots (well the best ones I can take with this camera and with the lights on) The first pic is of a main cola and the rest of the pics were of some small buds on lower branches coz I was tryin to hide from the light and get some more detailed shots lol. I will take some more when the lights are off.
Im thinkin they got about a week left but I will check the trichs tomorrow and see what they look like. I'll take some lights off pics soon.
still looking great....i love to see buds growing outa buds....i just chopped a girl that was supercroped plant that ended up just a cola that had buds growing vertically outa the waiting for her to dry.
thanks for posting that link...sorry hope thats cool dont wana leach off your thread just showing my support
Yeah the colas closer to the lights are gettin a bit hot but its almost over for them so they will tuff it out.

As for the nute levels, what you mentioned is how I realised my meter was fucked. It was taking a bit more A and B nutes to get to the level I wanted but I didnt bother to worry about it until the next time I mixed up my nutes and it took even more again to reach the desired level. Thats when I pulled out my old backup tester and realised the problem.

The girls will be fine though and im not worried about them at all.

Thanks for stoppin in again Mammath.

Hey Blaze, what I meant by running hot was 'nute wise', not lumens :lol:
In saying that, dont let them get to close to the bulbs, bleached buds aren't as photogenic... :lol:
You've made a good point though, and one I want to confirm.

All growers need to find the groove to what ratios get them into the 'happy place' with their ferts.
...and at different times during a grow.
You noticed your meter was fucked because you understand this concept.

Don't get me wrong, I have my meters and I love them, use them etc.

Just saying we all need to get back to basics with our measurements and trust in that.

On another note, these girls look they got more than a week in them?
Those stigma just keep coming :hump:
Wait for the calyxes to form around those babies and you'll be in for the nobel prize mate.

Look forward to more pics Blaze...hell of a grow dude ;)
Here is some lights off pics but then the lights started to come on as I was taking these pics. There will be many more pics to come.

This is the fattest cola of them all














Hey Blaze, what I meant by running hot was 'nute wise', not lumens :lol:
In saying that, dont let them get to close to the bulbs, bleached buds aren't as photogenic... :lol:
You've made a good point though, and one I want to confirm.

All growers need to find the groove to what ratios get them into the 'happy place' with their ferts.
...and at different times during a grow.
You noticed your meter was fucked because you understand this concept.

Don't get me wrong, I have my meters and I love them, use them etc.

Just saying we all need to get back to basics with our measurements and trust in that.

On another note, these girls look they got more than a week in them?
Those stigma just keep coming :hump:
Wait for the calyxes to form around those babies and you'll be in for the nobel prize mate.

Look forward to more pics Blaze...hell of a grow dude ;)

Thanks for your comments bro, they are very much apreciated. I think they still have close to another 2 weeks left which is what would be ideal as I just started them on the Liquid Lead which should be used for the final 2 weeks. They just keep swelling and I guess im gettin anxious now lol. I havnt bothered to check the trichs yet so im glad to hear your comments on there progress.

Check out the latest pics and let me know what you think.


one day... when I grow up...

I hope to have a grow like yours...

In the mean time... I'll just keep chopping an oz a day....

But ONE DAY!!!! :lol:
Thanks for your comments bro, they are very much apreciated. I think they still have close to another 2 weeks left which is what would be ideal as I just started them on the Liquid Lead which should be used for the final 2 weeks. They just keep swelling and I guess im gettin anxious now lol. I havnt bothered to check the trichs yet so im glad to hear your comments on there progress.

Check out the latest pics and let me know what you think.


Shit Blaze those buds are just magnificent bro :hump:

As massive as they are though, they look like they still got a bit of finishing to do.
When buds are done, they'll look done ;)

The Liquid Lead will help them along the way nicely.

I can understand the 'anxst' that surrounds this stage of the game.
Especially with buds that size :shock:
Hang in there though mate, it'll be worth it.

Let us know what the trichs look like when you get around to check'n them.

Heres a few close ups of some of the smaller lower buds. You can see here that they are not ready.


Shit Blaze those buds are just magnificent bro :hump:

As massive as they are though, they look like they still got a bit of finishing to do.
When buds are done, they'll look done ;)

The Liquid Lead will help them along the way nicely.

I can understand the 'anxst' that surrounds this stage of the game.
Especially with buds that size :shock:
Hang in there though mate, it'll be worth it.

Let us know what the trichs look like when you get around to check'n them.


Thanks mate, im glad to hear your thoughts on them and get some detailed feedback. Will let you know on the trichs and im goin to try a get a better camera if I can for some quality close ups aswell.

Jello Senor Blaze. ju no, when I see buddage like dis, I passout. All the blood rushes to my ..... head .... and boing, gone. Quite embarrassing, but true. hehehehehe! Whenever I see buddage like these, I am always amazed at how much longer they still go, gittin phatter and phatter. oh, man those are so sweet looking. Thanks for the update! Walk On!!~~

one day... when I grow up...

I hope to have a grow like yours...

In the mean time... I'll just keep chopping an oz a day....

But ONE DAY!!!! :lol:

Hahaha, choppin an O a day or a pound every 2 weeks is too much work too often for me. I prefer to just put in a few good days work to trim up and dry every few months then relax the rest of the time :blsmoke:. If I wanted to I could set up a veg room and then id be harvesting like 5-6lbs every 8 weeks but thats too much for me so ill just stick to my current setup.

Maybe one day I will be able to quit work and grow big numbers legally but I cant see that happening lol.
Your grow is perfect!!!

I am the one that should be doing what you are doing..not the other way

What you do is ART!!!
I'm gonna throw this out there...

We are all sculptures, artist, craftsmen...

When my shit is tight, I just enjoy what everyone else is doing...

We all got something to offer to this community :hump: