Pics of where I am have a problem i cant figure out 75% its a female tho


ok so I am a week into flower i noticed what looked like preflowers a couple days ago but couldnt make out what they were these pics i took u cant really make it out either its a video cam that takes pics but the video is better dont know if i can post vid also I cant figure out what this banding is on the fan leaves a couple days ago i bought some 9-59-8 fert it called for 1/4 tsp per gallon i mixed it with 3 gallons and gave it the same amount of water i always do so i dont think its that none of the inner leaves are affected this is my 1st grow and its an outside grow ive been bringing it in after 12 hours of light ive been growing some more behind it and bought mh and hps bulbs for them i have a question about those too any help would be greatly appreciated



I bought a m98/e ballast light etc 70 watt MH and i have a hps 70 watt for s62 ballast well the hps fires in the mh fixture i thought it wouldnt do that but since it does can i keep using the bulb in the fixture


can someone please tell me what those orange streaks are on the fan leaves i wasnt sure what it was so yesterday i flushed it with 3 gallons of water i always fill 2 buckets up with tap water and sit it in the sun at least 2 days be4 using it thats what i used to flush it so im waiting to see if that has any effect on the plant


i see there are 145 views on this thread does anyone care to comment about what those orange colored bands on the leaves are should i be concerned about it or not PRETTY PLEASE please someone comment as to what that might be lol !!


Well-Known Member
they look like light burn to me. Did they touch one of the bulbs? I don't think it is anything serious.


i found a couple caterpillars on there yesterday i think that was the problem and also the heat has been insane here the past couple days it got to be 104 the other day my big plant doesnt go under any light but the sun so do u think thats what it was thats causing those orange spots on fan leaves?


Well-Known Member
Get some insecticide like Sevin dust for plants. We used it at UCLA in lab situations.
