PICS: Ready for flowering stage?


Well-Known Member
You can start flowering at any time, BUT the larger the plant is in veg, the larger it will get in flower and the larger your yield will be. Now I have flowered plants that were smaller than the one you have there, and i got a good 1/2 ounce off them, but don't expect that much your first go. Plus I use hydroponics, which is much faster growth. Expect your plant to double in height the first 3 weeks of flowering schedule.


Active Member
Define "decent yield"
What's a decent yield will obviously vary tremendously from person to person. But they're right, it probably won't yield that much if you go to 12/12. I'm guessing the plant is only a few weeks old, it's just starting to veg. and you want that thing to grow like a champ, you gotta take advantage of the veg. stage with long days/short nights.
The people who pull-off 12/12 from sprouting are usually either dealing with clones, or some kick-*ss lights. I would say veg for longer before going to 12/12 8-)


Well-Known Member
I'd say you need to repot into bigger pots to allow greater root growth, and definately wait for your veg stage to kick in for some side branches. I guess it all depends on your lights/setup and what you are shooting for. Without more info I would just say to repot and let them grow. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
you could if it were a clone but this is only a few weeks if that from seed
like the other guy said repot it and let it veg