Picture Contest

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Well-Known Member
He tries.... We have to blow it in his face.. Everytime we light up he will come right to your face waiting for it.. He cant inhale out of the pipe yet.. Hopefully he will learn =D


Well-Known Member
damn bro the deadline was yesterday. damn you should have entered those definately. you submitted some great pics already but those are sweet as hell.
Awwww... I really wanted these to be in the finals... Figures i am a day late and a dollar short huh... =]

It's kool though i have more maybe next time... =]

Oh well lets finish up the series here then... =]

Here is the right hand entrance/archway... Or may bee its just closer to the center archway... I forget... =]

Well sorry i tried searching but came up empty on good info on the temple other than the name and a map of where it is...

It is called "WAT BORAN" or so this map reads...

Pattaya Map

If you go to google maps and enter "12.972897,100.889055" it will take you right there you can zoom in and see a satellite view of the temple... =]

I found some more info... =]

Goggle earth rocks... =]

The 1st picture here is in front of the condo i stay at... I know that dog... Its a local wild dog that always comes to beg food when we eat on the beach... =] There are no dog or leash laws and dogs roam free all over the place... =] Most are nice although a bit dirty and scroungy but still good dogs... =] If you keep going with the pics there are more of the wooden temple...
Panoramio - Photo of Pattaya Beach - Thailanda

Here is a link telling about the temple...
The Sanctuary of Truth - Pattaya - Thailand for Visitors

I have never actually been inside because of the HIGH entry fee... Most temples are free to visit weather you are native or not and it is "Up to you" on waether you want to donate for good luck... While this place is nice looking it is against the main attitude of the region and too tourist driven for my tastes...

Beautiful though... =]


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