Picture gallery for TUGC. Player's posts only please.


Well-Known Member
J.James #253

With the website issues we have had lately I figured it was a good idea to go ahead and cover my flower transition routine. I will be going from my 1-gallon pot the plants currently inhabit into a 3-gallon pot for flower. I will not do this until the clones show sex but being that I have 1 feminized seed (Critical Orange Punch), I am going to up-pot her today to document the processes and will up-pot the other 7 lucky ladies as they are chosen over the next week.

Here is a better picture of the clones.

Here is a photo before the transition, She has a nice 4 top structure and can't wait to see her in full bloom.


I start this process by making a 4-gallon pot of "Transition tea"

Transition Tea

4 gallons of RO water
1 Tablespoon Thrive.n
1 Teaspoon Grow-Sil
1 Teaspoon Big 6 Micros
2 Tablespoons Craft Blend
2 Cups BuildAFlower Topdress

I use a TeaLab Compost Tea Brewer for aeration and will brew for 32 hours, I used the mesh bag for the
Craft Blend & BuildAFlower Topdress but will not strain the tea before use.




Well-Known Member
J.James #253

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I start by placing four cups of Coco Croutons in the bottom of the pot to help aeration and drainage. I then add two cups of BuildAFlower Top Dress mixed with two cups of LOS 3.0. I mix these and add them to the bottom without adding any water.


One tablespoon of both Mykos and Azos are added to the bottom of the pot before placing the plant to ensure contact with the roots.



I then add 18 cups of LOS 3.0 to my mixing tote along with 2 cups of RO water and mix by hand breaking up any large clumps.


After thoroughly mixed it is added to the pot.


I then add six cups of BuildAFlower Topdress. I top the plant with one tablespoon of Kashi and two tablespoons of Craft blend.


Lastly adding a think layer of Braley Straw.




Well-Known Member
#27 Weekly Update

Sapphire Og is the plant on back-left. The others are the Blueberrys, the smaller one in the cup hasn’t shown sex yet, if it turns out to be a male I already have 4 females. If it’s a female, I may decide to keep it if I like it’s structure better.

Gelato 41



Well-Known Member
#115 heres an update on whats been happening I've been transplanting and doing some small trimming just to trim up some of the cold temp damage again that has really set me back oh well heres some pics20190427_215950.jpg and then a before and after of some clean up20190427_215829.jpg and after20190427_215936.jpg then repot20190427_220155.jpg 20190427_220552.jpg and here is one I had to top while cleaning up this was done as necessary 20190427_230330.jpg and here is an example of cold temp damage stunting my growth and causing some self topping so no topping necessary gotta love that should explode with growth with just cleaning20190427_230702.jpg and then just some pics of them all transplanted and then one of them watered will be watered once sometimes twice daily20190427_232307.jpg and watered20190427_234335.jpg and a quick pic to show them prayin to the lights yes pray my minions 20190427_234345.jpg all right that's it for now happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
So sue me...
I hadn't planned on pruning any larf, but I found this so I had to change plans
IMG_8885.JPG I know what cal-mag deficiency looks like, and that ain't it. I believe it is just from moisture. Every time I looked in on them there was water from natural transpiration being kept between leaves that were touching. So I lolli-popped all 4 the same (still sticking with that plan)

The pile of stuff came off the one plant to the left. The shoots setting to the side are the size example of the smallest ones that went. If they had open fan leaves, the shoots got snipped. The circle of window screen is for gnat defense, to keep them out of the soil.
IMG_8883.JPGI had to do LST on one of the plants (FF Gringo Rasta) because everything was so vertical and crowded.
IMG_8889.JPGHere is the 5 ounces of trash,
And the final product.