Picture gallery for TUGC. Player's posts only please.

IMG_9807.JPG #125
Gen Hydro, 2 gallon pot.
84 days total -
53 days in flower
245g wet as you see it. Should work out to 49g dried.
It has been h2o2 washed and is hanging in front of a fan for a few hours, then back in the closet.

The RAW loader is just for size reference. I figured we all have one, and if not it's credit card size.
Dyna-gro - 2 gallon pot.
85 days total -
54 days in flower
210g wet. Should work out to about 42g dried.
I left the fall colors on the top just for giggles.
After I rinse them in h2o2 solution, (1/2cup:1gal h2o) I use centrifugal force (hold by the stem and swing) to get most of the water off. I keep a fan on them, then do that again in about an hour. after that I just lightly touch the tip with a paper towel to see if it soaks up any water. When it seems dry I'll weigh the biggest one again and make sure it is at it's original weight or a little less before I put them in the drying closet. I also trim off the excess stem after that as well.
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Hi Guys!
Need to post to reset the 7 day clock with a lights on group pic.

35 days 12/12. Where do I send my 4868? :lol:

Included a foliar with worm leachate for the 1st time. 1 part worm juice 8 parts water.

Feel I was on the verge of to much N so I held off adding the EWC.

These plants love N at the stage they were at when top dressed and will work through it if it was a bit to much.
I remember when I fed them I felt I could be pushing it adding the alfalfa and thought maybe I could have backed off a 1/2 tablespoon of the alfalfa after the top dressing plus my room temps go up a few degrees in the summer so the plants would need a little less food during the summer something I didn't consider.

If I was to go back and change the last top dressing here is what I'd try.

Instead of:
3 TBL Happy Frog 4-5-3
1 1/2 TBL Crab Meal 4-3-0
1 TBL Alfalfa Meal 2.5-0.5-2.5
3/4 TSP Bat Guano 0-5-0

2 1/2 TBL Happy Frog 4-5-3 (-1/2 TBL)
1 TBL Crab Meal 4-3-0 (-1/2 TBL)
1/2 TBL Alfalfa Meal 2.5-0.5-2.5 (- 1/2 TBL)
3/4 TSP Bat Guano 0-5-0

Have plans on adding EWC soon and continuing on the same way with the watering.

No leaf loss since last update, all fan leaves from the 4th and 5th node are intact with a few looking tired on the 4th node and close to being removed.
A leaf or three may be plucked next update so I'll make sure to get lots of lights off pics. ;)

Happy Growing!
Day 54 12/12
Don't want to get booted for a technicality if I don't show 'all' plants in a 7day period, short & sweet.
Almost done but not quite. Gave them a last watering. May put them in the bottom of the drying closet for a dark period while the other stuff's still drying.
It's almost like the light is doing more damage than good at this point. Haven't fattened for about a week, very few new pistils but they are still popping. IMG_9851.JPG
If these two can top 280g wet that would be cool. IMG_9854.JPG
Day 54 12/12
Don't want to get booted for a technicality if I don't show 'all' plants in a 7day period, short & sweet.
Almost done but not quite. Gave them a last watering. May put them in the bottom of the drying closet for a dark period while the other stuff's still drying.
It's almost like the light is doing more damage than good at this point. Haven't fattened for about a week, very few new pistils but they are still popping. View attachment 4347494
If these two can top 280g wet that would be cool. View attachment 4347495
Here there be monsters!!!
#115 got a problem and honestly idk what it is I have all clones of the same strain going with the same feeding schedule and all but 2 plants are near perfect heres the pics

This is how most plants look 20190610_004530.jpg 20190610_004543.jpg 20190610_004551.jpg and then theres 2 plants showing these problems 20190610_004605.jpg I've decided to do a good flush and then I will return to normal feeding hopefully all goes well I'm not to worried to be honest I dont see bugs or anything of the sort happy growing guys
Fox Farms Gringo Rasta, 2 gallon pot.
89 days total -
58 days in flower
240g wet. should end up about 48g.
And just out of curiosty, they are hung in pairs. lower limbs to the left, top to the right. I generally leave the 2-3 small limbs under the top just because they are small and a pain to deal with individually. In that configuration, 3 of the 4 tops were between 37g and 38g wet and the FF trio top was 44.5g. Most of the bigger limbs were in the 25-30g range.

So this is my last offering to this thread, I'm tapping out. Happy Growing!!!