Picture of your joints thread


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Well-Known Member
Everyone else sees it, but you expect us to believe that you did nazi that?

Baby Jesus is a baby. his favorite toy makes him cry.
I would hope so. I was looking up tulip joints and seen the tulip + cross and thought (that would be cool to roll.) at no point did I see it till after it was pointed out. I've rolled quite a few tulips and they were always fun to smoke, especially when you get to the bud portion of the tulip.. Gets you pretty rippled too.
I'm fucking high and I just read this thread beginning to end. I can not stop laughing. I'm watching you all get high over the internet haha.


Well-Known Member
I would hope so. I was looking up tulip joints and seen the tulip + cross and thought (that would be cool to roll.) at no point did I see it till after it was pointed out. I've rolled quite a few tulips and they were always fun to smoke, especially when you get to the bud portion of the tulip.. Gets you pretty rippled too.
It was all so I could make a pun. I just wanted to use nazi in place of not see.
:joint: Toke on, good sir!


Well-Known Member
i keep forgetting to take a picture and before i know it the joint is gone. i use Raw papers and have an element rolling machine, my first one ever. i shake a lot and piss myself off trying to roll free hand any more so chop that bud up with tiny scissors and into the machine it goes. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah.. even tho my medibles kicked in and dinner was ready.. I headed outside to smoke a cig and have a few bong hits.. out there for about 10 mins and hear my backyard neighbor outside talking to her new puppy.. a German Shepperd... she rescued it from a major intersection.. found out it was chipped and called them.. turns out the place it was chipped to was a shelter who chipped her then adopted her out.. the family who adopted it has lost it and they have called the owners 5 different times that she was there.. the shelter said it was best if she kept it.. unless the family put up a stink or asked about it..