I was walking next to the library with big glass windows, and 2 birds flew about 2' in front of me face and hit the windows, i thought wtf and they both fell to the ground all messed up , heads twisted ,legs broke
and with broken wings.
they both tilted there heads back and i could see the white in there eyes and they went into shock, i thought i cant leave them here they could live like this with out food and not being able to fly for days?
so i hit them on the head with a peice of wood and put them out of there misery,
i felt awfull to do it
funny thing is it happen again the day after , but the bird had just been kknockef over by a car,
it was in the middle of the road all messed up like the other 2,
so i stood on its head to kill it,,,
i heard this one squeek??