Picture of your pet thread !!!

Technically not a pet... I rehab them & let them go. Against the law in ALL but 3 states for anyone (even someone like me) to have raccoons as pets. I fed Joe Thomas the same foods that his momma wld teach him to eat in the wild.

I lived in S Fla @ the time in the 70's - his mother was hit by a car in the everglades, my mom couldn't catch any of the other babies.
Fully vaccinated and acclimated we released him back into the park when he was a year old.
only downside is he will cry at the door until he gets what he wants. looks like i missed his eye boogies lol ill try to get a shot of him with his tongue hanging out, it slowly slides out the more i brush him. funny as shit!
For anyone who's interested there's a glitch or something on amazon pantry View attachment 3583838and the large packs of greenies are like $1.75 or something. Grabbed a bunch.

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CRAP!!!! I'm too late. They corrected & now back up to $14.00 but glad you & yours scored.
My dogs go bi-polar at just the mention of greenies.
polar dog 059.jpg
polar dog 063.jpg
Thanks for the heads up anyway.
My ex bred them. I ended up taking the last two nobody wanted out of a 14 pup litter. They are 100% pure, but a lil on the small side.
Rex is only about 130lbs, Bella his sis is only about 115. Very cool dogs none the less:-)
Only 130lbs??!!! That's more than me Aero!! However my German Shepherd was the same at 56kg! I'm abt that even today,15 years later!

Here's my boy! I love him to bits. He's been so easy to train. I still teach him new things now and he's nearly 3yrs old.

Monty, you really were the gift that kept on giving. <3 XOXO

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