Picture of your pet thread !!!

here was my donkey, jack-o, i had to get rid of him last month. jack-o is about 6 years old and was never nutered, he started biting and picking on my sheep. i guess lack of pussy even makes a ass go crazy. jack-o went to a farm with 6 other donkeys so i hope he likes it there. he had it made at my place, well except for the lack of a jenny.


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here was my donkey, jack-o, i had to get rid of him last month. jack-o is about 6 years old and was never nutered, he started biting and picking on my sheep. i guess lack of pussy even makes a ass go crazy. jack-o went to a farm with 6 other donkeys so i hope he likes it there. he had it made at my place, well except for the lack of a jenny.
I have a Donkey..
I was a "LITTLE" medicated that day. LOL!
My old boy Mr. D He is coming up on 17 years with me. He was on his death bed when I picked him up off of the median on I-10 in southern Cali. He was approximately 5 months old, malnourished and dehydrated to the edge of death. He also had a broken rib and lacerations all over his head and the skin on the end of his nose was gone. The vet wanted to put him down but instead pumped a quart of fluid under his skin, gave him some antibiotics and sent us home with the understanding that he might not live!