Picture of your pet thread !!!


Sector 5 Moderator
We kept some sugar gliders for a lady in L.A.; they are some noisy little fookers at night and very fussy eaters.


Well-Known Member
saw this today and loved the add..



Well-Known Member
hidden video of a cat learning how to suck the souls from children.. (s.k ref)

last post here 10 days ago... for shame!


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The kittens very first experience of the great outdoors. About 15 weeks old. They both ended up trying to walk across the pond on lillies and such and soaked themselves.



Well-Known Member
Wow!! It's been a while since I've logged on!! The pics are great so keep 'em coming guys!!

I'm slowly being talked into getting another pet. I just take the loss of pets really hard. I was more busted up when my pets died than I was when my mom or brother died. My pets become like my children, and I'm just not sure I can deal with losing another one.
Hey!! It's better to have loved and lost than to never to have loved at all. I'm sure you've got fantastic memories of them. Try to think if what a good home you could provide and consider another.

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
There's nothing quite like the pure love & energy that comes back from a pet that knows you would never harm them.

This is one of our funny feline friends that lived a very short life but left a lifetime of great memories.
I don't think he liked his pic taken so I usually had to catch him hanging out or snoozing.

This is our new little friend & it wasn't long at all till he fell right into place.

The black lab REALLY loves the beach so much,....she prefers to go through the waves instead of over them!



Well-Known Member
I have never seen a mean Lab or even an ill mannered one..
yet I end up with a fat chihuhuahuah, a lizard cat dog, and a spazzoidal Husky mix..

maybe next dog?