Picture of your pet thread !!!

I woke up this morning, stayed in bed till 1pm, and then got up and sat down to check my emails and thought hey, i'll have a productive day, i'll sand and plaster the bathroom, do some studying, do some cleaning.

Like fuck. My girls play me for a fool! If they weren't so bloody adorable i'd throw them in the pond and tell them to leave me be! Alas it is not the case, and i am not a strong enough man to say enough is enough. ended up stuck in my chair for a few hours. (i won't lie, it was better than sanding down a bathroom wall :p) still amazed at how fast they grew up. Seems like just yesterday i could fit one in each dressing gown pocket.

Joe them things will fight lions to protect you and a child can make that dog yelp scream pull hairs gouge the eyes etc and that dog will not hurt that child. If someone comes to your house and that person makes you nervous that dog senses it the dog will stat between you and that person them boerboel dont play I dont, have never fought a animal in my life I dont even hunt. That dog is bred to fight off any threat that comes into a villiage etc etc. Its alot the 2800 dollar as you see is everything I am sure chipped shots wormed blah blah blah. And is prob atleast 98% bloodline read about them

I'm sure you are right but my dog was the runt of the litter, still 150 lbs now. Saint's aren't exactly known as an aggressive breed but I had to pull him off a crazy fucking woman who was coming @ my wife just a couple weeks ago. Any good dog raised in a loving family will be a protector.
- Here's a shovel Joe, care to give me a hand ?:hump:

sure, I'll come help you brother.....just leave that damn snowblower in the shed :)

I will never in my life forget that story my friend.
You guys always talk in lbs!! I have to convert ! I know you find it silly that we talk in 'stones'!! I talk in Euro kg's now! Anyway, your Saint is huge. My German Shep was 56 kg and his collar went round my waist! That's 123 lbs in American !
You guys always talk in lbs!! I have to convert ! I know you find it silly that we talk in 'stones'!! I talk in Euro kg's now! Anyway, your Saint is huge. My German Shep was 56 kg and his collar went round my waist! That's 123 lbs in American !

Don't feel like googling it lahada so how much does a stone weigh?
I'm thinking like 14 us pounds or so, am I close?
Don't feel like googling it lahada so how much does a stone weigh?
I'm thinking like 14 us pounds or so, am I close?

yay me, i got impatient and ended up googling it anyhoo's.. and damn, i was spot on, i'm not dumb as i look, and trust me, that's really saying something..

wasn't really being lazy, just that my wifi is being super slow atm btw..
Sorry I got distracted but you are correct anyway. It's 14 lbs in a stone. 2.2 lbs in a kg. 16oz in a lb. And we ALL know how many GRAMS IN AN OZ !! Lol
Sorry I got distracted but you are correct anyway. It's 14 lbs in a stone. 2.2 lbs in a kg. 16oz in a lb. And we ALL know how many GRAMS IN AN OZ !! Lol

lol, i know all the drug weights for some odd reason, but i've never bought a stone of weed in my life, lol..

a few years ago, my nephew was in the cub scouts, and we built one of those pine car derby cars, and the day of the race we had to weigh them in, and all they had was a gram scale for some reason, and no one could figure out how many grams were in 5 oz's, and leave it to me to say, oh, that's easy, 28 grams in an oz.. my nephew said, how do you know that, so i said, never mind, lol.. :D
lol, i know all the drug weights for some odd reason, but i've never bought a stone of weed in my life, lol..

a few years ago, my nephew was in the cub scouts, and we built one of those pine car derby cars, and the day of the race we had to weigh them in, and all they had was a gram scale for some reason, and no one could figure out how many grams were in 5 oz's, and leave it to me to say, oh, that's easy, 28 grams in an oz.. my nephew said, how do you know that, so i said, never mind, lol.. :D

It's strange isn't it? Especially when you move here and it's all metric. 50g/100g/200g /500g 1 kg. In the UK, after the eighths and oz's it becomes bars (250g) or half bars, then half kg then kg. The Spanish way is better. It's easier to work out.
These pictures are of my two labs Timber the black one and Cali the yellow. The cat picture is Sassy a Simi-wild African Savanna crossed with a African Serval. Sassy was an indoor cat for three years until she dove us mad marking the walls and carpet with her urine . She also chewed all our furniture and base boards. Last year we had to let her outside. Now she's the best cat we could ask for except for the fact she kills everything in sight


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It was my Roxy's 3rd birthday yesterday
We would normally buy a steak or some thing for her , but it was just dog food as she is on a diet
She got to unwrap a little chew toy , and had a finger full of a cupcake when we sang happy birthday to her
yes i know , it's a dog
She is still part of the family !!!
And a pic my daughter did for Roxy
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I take um out and all they do is go find the nearest pile of cat shit to nibble on,, for a short legged lil turd, she can haul ass


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