joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Trolling, what happened to you? Seems to me your first 1200 posts were alright. I recall liking you, and lately, not so much. Did you goddamn hangout in the Politics section?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? Did you?!?!? Maybe a break for a week or two and come back fresh?

its not his fault. It's everyone else not him. he'll tell you he has an explanation for everything.

Sound familiar?



Well-Known Member
Are you lost? Where do you usually hang out? Where's your mommy?
on a secret hiding place sometimes inside your room getting all your rolling papers and blunts so that you can't smoke joint. just kidding, my mom is at the office.

i can't hang out right now, i'm a lonely person with no cash, no job yet, no everything i have some friends but i can't hang out with them right now because i might be tempt to smoke, but i don't want to die yet, because i want to smoke weed for the rest of my life, like until the day i die. :)


Well-Known Member
When some people get their head down, they just keep swinging, and forget to look up to see what, or who, they're fighting.

Trolling, take a break for your own health.
on a secret hiding place sometimes inside your room getting all your rolling papers and blunts so that you can't smoke joint. just kidding, my mom is at the office.

i can't hang out right now, i'm a lonely person with no cash, no job yet, no everything i have some friends but i can't hang out with them right now because i might be tempt to smoke, but i don't want to die yet, because i want to smoke weed for the rest of my life, like until the day i die. :)

wtf r u talking about? dont want to die?
how old r u?
and have u evn smoked b4?


Well-Known Member
on a secret hiding place sometimes inside your room getting all your rolling papers and blunts so that you can't smoke joint. just kidding, my mom is at the office.

i can't hang out right now, i'm a lonely person with no cash, no job yet, no everything i have some friends but i can't hang out with them right now because i might be tempt to smoke, but i don't want to die yet, because i want to smoke weed for the rest of my life, like until the day i die. :)
Where are you calling from?


Active Member
Trolling cant take a break. his ass isint raw yet. he wont stop until the butthurt reaches the bleeding asshole stage. He cant gelp himself.

its pretty obvious trolling is fin. id be amazed if trolling and fin where two seperate beings.