thump easy
Well-Known Member
hey its gona put you up regardless i can find someone i just thought she would be cool. 

kuroi is cute too... i don't think i would ever post a pic of me, my plants ..dogs ..nothing ...paranoid? or do all of you posting pics have nothing to hide?
lolz look universal a man buy the name of milo has a canabus club he gona buy the roll of paper in L.A. he shoots vidios produces he want urb for the work i can do that.... lolz but we need a black chick and the one on hear is just what i want peep he's the one working on the sight for those growers that need a fan base to show their flowers to the audience and to know what your smoking not no fucken trashy dirty shit. so i chalenge the clubs to show us what we are smoken.. thats how swindlers white fire got smoked baby bash and black eyed peas smoken on that urb coachela fest.. im hear in the desert were that happends.
i clicked on that link...did not see a fine black chick or any chick for that matter...just some dudes hand
i dont im like 5'2
lolz its not running yet lolz but the guy i want the black chick on hear i dont know Kuro is her nick name lolz forget it i sould just be quit for a minute she just cool thats what i think... and all the ladies hear are pritty fine if i dont say so myself..
A hug? come on bro.. hit a home run lol.they look long and thick in that pic... damn im 6'2..... want a hug? :]
I must speak thump since MOST of his posts makes sense to me.
Then would you mind Transfuckinlating - I didn't get a quarter of that exchange.I must speak thump since MOST of his posts makes sense to me.
Thump Easy how long have you known me? You could just address me rather than just referencing 'the black chick'...
I have no idea what just happened.