
Well-Known Member
bring it fagot you aint got nothing but fucken lip you fat mother fucken pretender PRETENDER.. lolz thats what i thought homie i dont talk about it like that i lived it survived it and walked away from it but i didnt forget about it.. any day homosexual any fucken day..

thats what i thought fucken fagot you lucky this box is hear id fucken beet you sensless fuck you and your hood.. fuck chicago homie fuck your mom mother fucker you aint got shit but a big fucken mouth and i bet a big ass hole fucken mark i bet your homie dont even respect your ass, i bet your a straight wana bee gay side gangstas fucken buster ass lop..
loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool its official i now only the second most non spelling motha fucker on this site next to this genius.... dude ur a lame bro...


Well-Known Member
Listen thump, I'm sure there is somebody else who could kick both of your asses at the same time.. somebody who is so much more fucking street smart than both of you combined.. and I'm sure that guy wouldn't stand a fucking chance against a glock shot to the dome.. so what the fuck does it matter who can kick who's ass if it means nothing? We are passed the caveman days and no longer need to fight, so just chill. The only time I get violent is when the time calls for it, now is not the time since it's only the internet. So again bud, just smoke some bud and chill :).


Well-Known Member
Listen thump, I'm sure there is somebody else who could kick both of your asses at the same time.. somebody who is so much more fucking street smart than both of you combined.. and I'm sure that guy wouldn't stand a fucking chance against a glock shot to the dome.. so what the fuck does it matter who can kick who's ass if it means nothing? We are passed the caveman days and no longer need to fight, so just chill. The only time I get violent is when the time calls for it, now is not the time since it's only the internet. So again bud, just smoke some bud and chill :).
ive been fucked up before.... ive had my ass beat by the c.p.d. many times.... c.o's in county jail.. been jumped on way to school by like a dozen cats... had a bottle smashed in my head at a bar... been shot at never been hit {thank god or whoever} ehhhhh its all part of da process..... im still here.... chu knooooooooooooooooow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
ive been fucked up before.... ive had my ass beat by the c.p.d. many times.... c.o's in county jail.. been jumped on way to school by like a dozen cats... had a bottle smashed in my head at a bar... been shot at never been hit {thank god or whoever} ehhhhh its all part of da process..... im still here.... chu knooooooooooooooooow
dude would u just stfu already? you been drinking or something? it's all good already, just 2 guys repping their hood. it's done. thumps cooled down and you should too, this is a picture thread.... and you want to be a global? please